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Jul 23, 2010
Reaction score
First time RRBBO contestant and here is my entry ticket to the show.
My thought for this build is a bobber or chopper style build and keep it clean and simple. Well here it is and hope you all like it...

DSCF5281 by cinco05, on Flickr

DSCF5283 by cinco05, on Flickr

DSCF5284 by cinco05, on Flickr

DSCF5286 by cinco05, on Flickr

This is a quick mock up. There is still paint work to be done, some small parts that I still need to find, some parts I need to add, and debating on what to do for a back wheel. I am on the fence about a wide back tire or use that white wall knobby out back.
skillsthebarber said:
is that a repop springer? I am having clearance issues with my og monark springer with the steer tube being too short.

Yup repop springer. The steer tube for the repop is longer than my OG Typhoon fork so no issues.
Well good thing we have until August 1st to finish our builds, it is going pretty slow on my end but none the less an update is an update. So I was thinking about mounting my seat and what I want to do is try and get the seat real low and almost hugging the rear fender.
This is the seat I had laying around that is going to be used...

DSCF5375 by cinco05, on Flickr

This is what I want to accomplish...

DSCF5377 by cinco05, on Flickr

So I stripped it down to the pan and separated it from the guts. I want to recover it hopefully in a white tuck and roll. How I plan to mount the seat is drill a hole through seat tube and attach a bracket to the front of the seat pan similar to that of a motorcycle. So any who this is how the seat sits for now. I need to mount the rear and I think I will do that with some hairpin style springs.

DSCF5388 by cinco05, on Flickr

DSCF5386 by cinco05, on Flickr
Well obviously no updates because there has been no progress. I have on the other hand been brainstorming and also gathering up some parts for the bike! I am still searching for parts and still trying to track down what I am going to do about a back wheel, but in the mean time here are some of the parts I have gathered...

DSCF5432 by cinco05, on Flickr

DSCF5430 by cinco05, on Flickr

DSCF5431 by cinco05, on Flickr
I can't believe I forgot! I started to remove the factory paint on the bike. So actually some progress

DSCF5433 by cinco05, on Flickr
Love your taste in scoot's! Your bike is going to be killer, that light is awesome!!

Have to say I was going to try a Mexican blanket, I even picked one up, was thinking about covering a banana seat! Great, now I'm going to have to copy you! :wink:
Thanks for the great words of encouragement guys.

herr rudolph- I think it may have been a police light on a squad car, maybe one of those stationary emergency lights on a squad car even. Around here atleast in California, I am pretty sure they are illegal to use.

oneuglybike- I am flattered! I am actually using the blanket to make myself a tool bag like the schwinn one next to it. So if you are going to cover a seat, well then looks like you beat me to the punch.

Hopefully by the end of next week I will have some paint on the frame. I chose that light becasue it had the blue glass lens on it and I thought it would go with the paint scheme, chrome, and white I am going to be using on the build. I think I am going to throw some paint striping on it as well!

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