Parts bikes: Whole or Disassembled?

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Feb 2, 2012
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For those of you who collect bikes to use for parts - do you keep them whole and pick parts off as needed, or strip them down and store the parts separate?
I like to keep mine whole atleast until I start stripping parts off them, I have ended up selling bikes that was going to be for parts because someone seen a frame they liked.
both ...
if i think i can sell something ill leave it whole ....
if i know i aint gonna or cant sell it ...i strip it n put n parts bin,,,,
sometimes i just take one thing off and toss the rest ...

more confused now ...LOL
I only have a small shed so with limited storage all parts bikes are stripped of any and all usable parts, the parts are thrown in buckets, crates, and tubs till I find a use for them then I scrap what is left. (And drag home more from the scrapyard) I do always make it a point to take all bolts, bearings, bearing cups, seat posts and clamps, and anything else useful out before I scrap anything because they don't weigh hardly anything and are always useful to have on hand.
I usually part them out, takes up less space if I won't be using the frame. If I may use the frame I leave them whole. Parting bikes is always a job left for "well, I have nothing else to work on..." or "dang, I need some room around here.." days.
I like to disassemble, so I can have more floor room. I hang up items like handlebars and chainwheels, and wheels. But like someone else said, if I think I'm gonna sell one, I keep it whole,

assembled if you have room to store them.
(you can take the bars and pedals off and they stack together for less space.}

if they are still assembled, all of the parts stay together, bearings/cups, etc. so you know what fits with what.

I have a pile of junkers that really come in handy to rob a part or two when needed.

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