some of you will remember this bike. i built it for the 2008 rat rod bike build off. i built it with the intention of giving it back to the kid who owned it before. you can read the story and check out the build here viewtopic.php?f=24&t=7503 . well i never told him i was doing this or even his family till it was almost done. turned out the kid had joined the army and was over in iraq! he would be back on leave that x mas and we would do the revel there. some how there was a miscomunication and i missed him at that time and he went back over seas. i did not hear from them for a long time and i feared that something had happened to him over seas and really did not want to hear that so i waited. then just the other day his dad came in and said everything was cool with him and in fact he was in town on leave. so today i loaded up the bike and took it over. he could not believe that it was the same bike and i think was a bit in shock he had to this day never seen it done. it felt good to be able to give back. anyways here is a few pics of the bike as it was when newly built then a few with the proud new owner.