Pedal Clearence?

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Jul 28, 2009
Reaction score
Geneva Illinois
Rating - 100%
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Any one have some experience on how much clearance a peddle should have Pedal should have to the ground to be ride-able? Highridah you out there?
if it clears your good :lol: really it comes down to what you like i think of it as like those who like really low cars. if you like the look and can deal with the harsh ride and having to do the crab over speed bumps go for it. i try to shoot for around 2 inches with the pedal at low extension so that if i am riding straight and need to swerve i wont whack a pedal. but even this high if you lean it hard in a turn and have the pedal down you will grind!
from my experience, even 3" of clearance will drag in the corners on some bikes , you just have to coast through the tight turns which is the normal way anyway.. :roll:

quote from bikesource :

It is often said that putting the outside pedal down in a curve improves cornering. Most experienced riders do this, but not because it has anything to do with traction. The reason is that it enables the rider to unload the saddle while standing with little effort on a locked knee, and this can only be done on the outside pedal because the inside pedal would hit the road.
i think i end up in about the 4" range. i've never really thought about it that way. i'm usually thinking about where i put the bb. with about 7" cruiser crank arms i go for about an 11" bb height. i read that on the old chopper forum and stayed with it.
Thanks for the info. Street Skinny Typhoon is at just under 2" at 1 7/8" If it becomes a problem I'll get a new crank arm or heat and bend a kink in each arm.That might look cool or bizare I would have to see it.
XC204 said:
Any one have some experience on how much clearance a peddle should have Pedal should have to the ground to be ride-able? Highridah you out there?

1 inch is always the goal for kickstand coolness
i think this has a lot to do with the bike itself.
this lowrider has barely 1.25" of clearance.

with the riding position also being very low, the bike is very stable. theres no speed wobble, even when our starting out.

when the peddles do hit the ground, ya barely feel it (ya hear it) the bike quickly rights itself with minimal friction on the road.
the bike is so very stable and low centered, i can peddle my heart out (as fast as i can go)
drop the peddle to the ground and stop very abbrutly with no risk of bailing.
i've done it thousands of times (4 sets of peddles), and never once came even close to thinking....."oh i'm gonna loose it."
everybodies first ride on this bike always goes smoothly. some of my others take a little getting used to. :wink:

that being said, i wouldn't try it on a bike with a higher center of gravity, or one with ridiculously raked front forks.

i might add. i've riden this bike so often, my peddles only hit the ground when braking (and there the only brakes i use)

ya do get very use to lifting the peddle on the side your turning to.
if you do have to peddle through a corner...
ya lift the peddle and start your turn. straighten up and peddle, then lift your peddle and turn again kinda thing. :roll: that make sence?
Highridah said:
XC204 said:
Any one have some experience on how much clearance a peddle should have Pedal should have to the ground to be ride-able? Highridah you out there?

1 inch is always the goal for kickstand coolness

And Highridah, makes it over the speed bump with no problem
as long as you can pedal in a straight line w/o scraping youll have enough clearance....
just remember to have the pedal on the inside in turns up or youll go sliding/scraping along
i srcape at will



remember they go lower when i sit on it. i can pedal just fine. just tilt the pedal back with the heel and its all good
I once had a bike with about an inch of pedal clearance. I had a 20" wheel on the back and a 26" up front on a cruiser. I scraped pedal a lot and eventually threw the bike in the woods for someone else to enjoy.

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