pedal scraper for the boy

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i decided id get this thing in some color before the rain starts so i finally got the wheels painted :lol:
FTW* that stands for FLAKED THE WHEELS!
we ended up ditching the bendix kickback and going with a nexus 3(he'll end up getting the shift knob he got for my baron frame but at some point he may get a sugar skull shift knob that matches....but ill worry about that later)...
since i know you guys like pictures...
laced for test fitting to make sure there wasnt any chain line issues:

good to go so the sealer was sanded down and ready for base/flake/candy/clear

and didnt get a chance to eat at lunch today(but i at least got some work done :shock: )

that actually laid down pretty nice(think factory orange peel on a new car) but im still going to color sand it and give it a good flow coat in a week so itll be much nicer :wink:
then its on to the frame and make a shifter(may end up going hurst style on this one....not really sure yet) whatever :lol:

oh yeah....
SwankS baby!
hey.....look at that!
its almost a ratrod :lol:

just wait till the sealer goes on! :lol: :lol: :lol:

*ohhh this is the KNOB i was talking about...
Uncle Stretch said:
Ok are you using those hard to find clear spokes???
well i had to try to one up this guy! :lol:

i went with clear spokes/hub/and axle nuts :lol:
unfortunately i couldnt find clear grease i tossed that really sucked doing all that work just to see grease squishing around :lol:

havent had much free time since cars have been filling up my bank accounts recently(still got some done just not as far as id like yet cant you tell by the messy shop and flat tire?!? :lol: )
old pics..... :lol: :lol: :lol:
for some reason i cant find the recent pics....i think they got lumped in with the kids raingutter ragatta pics :lol:
this post is Plan9Customs approved! :lol:
SO SAYETH MR. SKULLY FACE! has a flakey front hub now as well(im gonna be kicking myself when i have to ream out all those spoke holes but thats another day so.......) :lol:

cant ever get a decent picture of flake out in the sun. :lol:
havent gotten to far since ive been trying to fix the hack job on this beast:

looks somewhat decent there doesnt it?


dont ever assume someone elses primer doesnt mean butchery!
this is after 2 days worth of pulling and metalworking just to get it close enough to cut out!
marked and ready to cut(FINALLY!)yeah the door was refitted and lined up correctly after those pictures :lol:

patch is made and ready and willing to go on :mrgreen:

then its on to rust repair around the rear window :roll:

ohhhh...i strayed of topic :oops: :lol:
front wheel pics will be up soon and this is in the UGV buildoff so ill have some incentive to get it finished(well painted and little details is rideable as you can see in the riding video :lol: )
man that was alot of writing for nothing :lol:

TWINKLE TWINKLE.....weve almost got a front wheel :shock:
spokes are cut to size i just need to roll the threads on them and lace it....
told you i was bringing gaudy back!
i may just prime the frame when i do the 1/4 on that caddy this weekend....
maybe not laaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaazzzzzzy and im not making any money on this build :lol: :lol: :lol:

see? i told you i was bringing gaudy back! :lol:
last of the mock up its all going to be finished 100% soon...



made some new bars for it and ill be doing a little something for the shifter(probably not what most will think :lol: )and got the real chain that ill be using ....last of the mock up pictures(I SWEAR!)

dont mind the chain slack. i switched gearing and was too lazy to shorten the chain(but i left it on since some were saying pictures need a chain on in them :wink: )
nothing else until its done.
Thanks but my skills aren't mad. Just average. It's in primer and getting sanded and ready for paint this weekend. If anyone cares there's a prime sneak peak in the S.H.C thread I'm starting.
It'll be done before 1/6/13. I promise.
Awesome wheel work.
The whole ride is really looking sweet:cool::cool::cool::cool:
Where did you get your thread roller for spokes?
Plan9Customs now presents:

Got off early tonight so it was time to get the boys bike back together finally!


My lovely model showing off :lol:

Still need to button up a few minor things but good enough for now and it'll even be done for Christmas! Not that it matters he helped weld the frame so it's not like he didn't know.
low~N~slo: I got that from a bike shop in Chico about 3 years ago. They said spend the money and in the long run it'd save me a lot and they didn't lie!

I guess when my brother in law gets here this weekend I'll start my S.H.C. frame since he wanted to see how to build a frame.
Thanks. I should be getting started on it this coming week.
This one is 100% done finally. Made my spacer since my lbs' didn't have anything for a 1" threadless(just the new standard 1" which is 1/16" or so smaller i.d. ) :roll:
Anyhow, the spacer I did (I used the knurled. The other needs still shaped and will probably go on my S.H.C. build):

Sorry for the low quality pics but my good camera didn't want to play with the batteries I have. :x
