The 8th BI-ANNUAL "Pedal-to-the-Metal" Vintage, Classic, Custom Bike SWAP MEET is happening at the Atlanta Dragway Parking Lot on SAT DEC 5th 2020! ... Located in Commerce, GA ... about 50 miles N.E. of Atlanta.
We regularly get about 35-40 Bike Vendors and a decent amount of spectators and overflow buyers from the N.E. GA Mega Swap Meet that we are set-up "Within" ... where on average ... another 250 vendors of Car, Truck and Motorcycle parts as well as BIG Signs, Tools, TOYS and Petroleum Collectibles...
This is our 4th year of having a Bi-Annual Swap Meet!
Always a Great Time !! Lots of "Regulars" and new faces all the time ...
We pull in attendees AND buyers from GA, Both N. & S. Carolina, Alabama, and Tenn.
It is an OUTDOOR Event and social distancing is in place ... face masks are advised but not mandatory.
Lots of Motel/Hotel choices within 5 miles of the track.
Please join us for the fun! Just in time to snag some deals for "Winter Projects" !!
Cheers! CCR Dave
We regularly get about 35-40 Bike Vendors and a decent amount of spectators and overflow buyers from the N.E. GA Mega Swap Meet that we are set-up "Within" ... where on average ... another 250 vendors of Car, Truck and Motorcycle parts as well as BIG Signs, Tools, TOYS and Petroleum Collectibles...
This is our 4th year of having a Bi-Annual Swap Meet!
Always a Great Time !! Lots of "Regulars" and new faces all the time ...
We pull in attendees AND buyers from GA, Both N. & S. Carolina, Alabama, and Tenn.
It is an OUTDOOR Event and social distancing is in place ... face masks are advised but not mandatory.
Lots of Motel/Hotel choices within 5 miles of the track.
Please join us for the fun! Just in time to snag some deals for "Winter Projects" !!
Cheers! CCR Dave