Penny Farthing Big wheel Antique Bike

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I got the bike torn down for paint now. I made a new pair of grips aswell. those other ones didnt turn out quite like i imagined :mrgreen:
people have ridden around the world on them! on dirt roads lol people were tougher back then. thats for sure. on flat ground id probrobly be completly numb after about 15 miles :lol:
Very nice build. They are a ton of fun. I regularly take my RBR 48" on 15 mile rides. Latest were Yosemite and SF down the embarcadero.
I have a 52" hi-step brand. They were apparently made by some guy back in the 60's-70's. The front wheel is made like yours, just two 26" wheels welded together. I guess you could buy wheelchair rubber by the foot back then, because that is what all hi-steps use for a front tire. The rear wheels are off of airline steward carts. I have been thinking of building my own as well. 52" is a bit tall for me, I can ride it fine but up hills I start wishing my legs didn't extend so far.
I counted 68 holes in the wheel and drilled 68 holes. Per side

Ah yes, got a good laugh from this BTW, as I have done many many similar things in the past.

A recent one was when I was doing a paving job and had to cut one of my screeds (long straight edge tool) to fit in between the driveway and the house.

Measured how much I had to cut off and cut that amount off both ends....

Ah yes, got a good laugh from this BTW, as I have done many many similar things in the past.

A recent one was when I was doing a paving job and had to cut one of my screeds (long straight edge tool) to fit in between the driveway and the house.

Measured how much I had to cut off and cut that amount off both ends....


I remember when we were kids helping my mom cut masonite panels for the basement stairwell walls. She would measure with a yard stick in the basement, call out the numbers, we would measure with another yard stick and saw away. Nothing came out right. Took while to discover one yard stick was missing a bit off the end, like ~~1.5 inches missing.
This is my next project, I guess I'm hooked? lol But just a question, wouldn't the wheels be truer, if they were rolled?...
Just about to try this, are they steel rims you used?

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yes they are steel mountain bike wheels. they would probrobly be truer if they were rolled. I dont have a roller so i couldnt do it that way. But the most critical parts are at the welds and getting a seamless transition there. Also My wheel is just a bit wobbly side to side. maybe 1/8" or less. and when im really going fast downhill with my feet off the pedals It gets a little scary the wheel wants to turn side to side. so you want to make the wheels as true as possible if you want to go fast

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