Peugeot PX10... I think?

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Mar 15, 2012
Reaction score
Asbury Park, NJ
Rating - 100%
15   0   0

Not even close to my size but brooks and fancy nervex lugs were too cool to pass up. I think its a PX10 but not sure how to date/identify these Peugeots.
Dating these old Pugs is very difficult, as is properly IDing the specific model. Based on the lugs, colour scheme, and saddle (if it´s original and if it is a Brooks Professional/ Team Pro) I would date it at ´67 thru ´73. The Reynolds 531 indicates that it is definitely one of the nicer models-- and the sticker on the seat-tube puts it at pre-´75. Is it a PX10, though? I couldn´t say for sure, as Peugeot had a dizzying array of models, most with similar alphanumeric names and absolutely no graphics on the frames to label them. But, the fender eyelets don´t disqualify it from being a PX10 and it´s a top-shelf French bicycle, regardless.

What size is it?
It´s a hott bike, that´s for sure. 62cm is a tall glass of water haha

I believe you´re right about the serial on the BB making it a 60s bike, but it´d be late 60s with the team color scheme. They didn´t run those colours earlier than, i THINK, 1967?
That makes sense...Simplex would´ve been the oem group, i bet... but if you checked out that link i posted, the frame details on the 67 px10 are basically identical to your bike above, n´est-pas?

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