pick's Gallery of Junk! Added a few more pics

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Re: pick's Gallery of Junk!

pick said:
kingfish254 said:
Love the title to this! It sounds like an attraction at a Carnie Midway!
That sure is a cool red Chevy HHR you have !! :p :p :oops:

"Step right up to see the The Bearded Lady of Geneva & the Lion Faced boy" :lol: :lol: Come one, come all! :mrgreen:

I suppose I am somewhat of a freak myself! :)

Where's the "Man-eating chicken" ??? :lol:

I agree with Sensor... I dont see any junk, Bikes are looking good, didnt know you had the sedan delivery, git-r-done and back on the road!! that thing is too cool to be shacked up in the barn, it deserves to cruise once again.

In my eyes, the car needs a engine like this.....
Re: pick's Gallery of Junk!

dangratsdan said:
aka_locojoe said:
Cool stuff. I like that pic of the bikes against the barn/shed.
And your Delivery sedan, COOL. In the late 50s and early 60s there was one of those that sat out back of my grandpa and grandma's house in Newton Ks., it belonged to one of my hot rodder uncles. When we went up there I would go back there and dream of what it could become, Id even set behind the wheel and dream of driving it, at the risk of being stung or bit by the wasps and spiders that lived in it. Then one day it disapeared to never be seen by me again. But I think its out there somewhere looking alot like yours.
Cant wait to see yours on the street haulin some of those COOL BIKES.

Thanks Dan! That car was originally built by Jerry Titus (Kustom Kemps of America founder) in the 1970's. It sat out at Thorobred Chev. for a while for sale for $1200. Of course I didn't have that kind of $$. I found it a couple of years later on S. Palisade St, near Pawnee. 4 flat tires & the guy didn't put anti-freeze in it so the block cracked. I handed him $200 & drug it home!

Mitch: I'd love to have that motor, may have to cut a hole in the hood though! I do have a 4 bolt main 350 & 350 turbo trans for it. The only thing holding me up is $$ & time!
Re: pick's Gallery of Junk!

with an engine like that you dont need a hood!

Hmmm.... lets see, if you run a dummy blower I bet it wouldnt be too expensive.

And after hearing the history of that car, it definitely needs to be on the road again. DO IT !!!
Re: pick's Gallery of Junk!

Yhea Pick.. looks like a bunch-O-junk... I will be down this weekend to haul it out of your way. Thats what friends are for ya know and just imagine how happy the wife would be to see it all gone :p

Great stuff man!! :mrgreen: :mrgreen:
Re: pick's Gallery of Junk!

What a bunch of junk! :shock: You should just send it to my house :wink: :wink:

Nice bikes you got there, pick! :wink:
Re: pick's Gallery of Junk!

Stop trying to make my wife happy! I wear the pants in this family! :lol: :lol: :mrgreen:
Re: pick's Gallery of Junk!

Whats a "kemp"? For you young 'uns, Kemp = cars.
Re: pick's Gallery of Junk! Added a few more pics.

Here are a few more:
39 Colson RRBO8 "BlackJacked"

1951 Hiawatha I built for my 74 year old cousin. She loves it & Rides it every day!

1970 Suzuki 50cc Cutlass 1477 actual miles

1974 Jeep CJ5, 45,00 miles, my trans to & from work this summer when it wasn't raining

I like the color scheme on the Hiawatha. Great she rides it.
Of course the build off bike is god looking as well.
aka_locojoe said:
I like the color scheme on the Hiawatha. Great she rides it.
Of course the build off bike is god looking as well.

Thanks Randy! I actually gave her the white 26" bike that is earlier in this post. She's barely over 5' tall & it was too tall for her even with the seat lowered all the way. Anyway, I got the 24" Hiawatha from Tim & to build for her. Since she loved the colors on the 26, I powder coated the 24 in the same colors. She walks about 4 miles every morning (weather permitting) & then still rides the bike a bit in the evenings. She has more energy than I do! :lol: :lol:

The 26" that she couldn't ride, I gave to my older sister & she rides the crapola out of it too! I am happy, happy, happy. 8)

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