I did not abandon my build off build :| , it was eating me up. I was on the garage floor inspecting the new kick stand that needed some more thought and the sweat was just flowing onto the concrete. The honeymoon had lost it's edge and became to much like work. So..............to bring a smile back I needed this diversion................Pixie Choppers 8)
My neighbor's nephew and his two sons were coming up to the Cape for a visit and I thought a little chop action would be fun for them. Here's come photos.
Pile-O-Pixies waiting for the cut
The boys learning trial and error tube fitting.
The two boy's and auntie will be painting 16" rims today while I finish up some welds and set up the forks.
My neighbor's nephew and his two sons were coming up to the Cape for a visit and I thought a little chop action would be fun for them. Here's come photos.
Pile-O-Pixies waiting for the cut

The boys learning trial and error tube fitting.


The two boy's and auntie will be painting 16" rims today while I finish up some welds and set up the forks.