pixie racing?

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Sep 7, 2006
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this what you do chainsaw?
funny pic but the face is just ummm disturbing.
Hooch said:
this what you do chainsaw?

Hey, where'd you get the picture of my mother!? Yes I come from a long line of Pixie Jockeys. Back in the day mom would hunker down on that baby and sometimes hit speeds up to 3 miles per hour! As a yound lad, working on her pit crew, my job was to pull the bike out of her butt at the end of the race. Truely an honor. Many of my friends were jealous!
In Pixie cirlcles, she was known as the Queen of the Roundy Rounds!

I can only dream about becoming a legendary Pixie Jockey like my mom!

Thanks for posting that lovely pic, and just incase you guys were wondering ..... Yes, she's single!
i dont mean to sound stupid but what is pixie racing? ive never heard of it and it sounds like fun.
cman said:
The fine folks at FBM-GL have a great explaination/rules for racing pixies.


But generally it is any adult riding a ridiculously small bike.
man that looks like fun, now im going to go look for a little bike. but the only problem is that im not 18 so i couldnt enterin any compitions could i? but i could get a head start on them and have a bike already built. im already 5'8 so im almost full grown lol. im gonna build one for my lil sis to
Here's an exclusive!
After reading all these comments and visiting my own page, I realized that many of the Cage Match pics were never posted anywhere!
So it will be my honor to engulf you guys in my collection of the Pixie Cage Match Races we had. I will also post them up on CBN. I've got to take off for awhile but when I gets back, I'll get started!

YYZMEC, might have some pics of the CanAm races from last year. I'll hook up the ones I have from that also.

The Pixie season should be starting soon so keep an eye out for the carnage!
I think these are Budz or Kelly's pics that I stole awhile back. mine are attempting to load so I'll just post as I go.
All the pics are from The Dickens Pixie Cage Matches.
It's was getting dark, we were on a caged in tennis court that had icey spots and we were taking the chance of racing there without permission, hence the term "Outlaw" Pixie Racing. We could stayed there all night, It was a riot! :mrgreen:
Here we Go ....

Here's Kelly checking out the track

This is me checking out a trusty steed
It didn't take long for me to figure out that it was cold out!

Mrs. Zilla, Budzilla and GottaVan.


Here's Nogoodnic ( Kelly) on his racer. I can't remember how long he's had it, but he was a little fella when he first got it! The guy in the orange helmet is Gotavan's son and the Pixie on the ground is Buz Wooly Mammoth Pixie. This is the second Pixie race for this bike. It made it's first showing at the Can/AM races.
Gotavan's son, Brian (Bryan?), was one of the craziest jockeys in the race. Here's a rare picture of him upright. He did make for some good traction when he went down though!

Wow two pics of Brian standing! If I remember right, this bike was "Borrowed" from Brian's niece or daughter.

Here's Mathew (Budz neighbor) We allowed him to compete with us and pretty much abused his little body. He did provide good traction in the slippery sections! This is one tuff kid! And check out the Wooly Mammoth!
Here's the last pic for tonight/this morning. I'll post the rest tomorrow, along with a pic of the racers certificates.

Here's a nice group shot of all the jockeys.

Hope you guys are enjoying these!

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