EastOfEastLos said:
It probably wouldn't happen, but yes, it might be cool if there were different categories for the bike. I.E. : best engineering, "perdiest" bike, most creative, best representation of a rat rod, best theme, etc.... just thinking out loud, pay no nevermind to me :wink:
Hey there, EastOfEastLos, I hear ya'. It is not only hard to compare so many different styles, it is also very hard to compare what the builder had to work with. For example, in my case, when I needed something, I went to the machine shop I work at (after hours), found a piece of scrap that I could use, started up the lathe or the milling machine, and began making stuff. Not many people have a machine shop available to them so that made some things much, much easier for me. So then when I see your bike and you are doing woodworking outside on the grass and you come up with the incredible bike you have, I am pretty freaking impressed. Then you whip out some Testor's model paint and start pinstriping and lay some really cool lines on the bike, then I am double pretty freaking impressed. And then you take a really nice wood tank you just made and painted and lettered, and you start cutting it up and I'm like "Holy smokes, is this guy crazy--that tank is sweet!?" I mean even the pigeons come by to see what is up. But then the tank comes out even better and has a battery inside it. :shock: Ain't no wonder the pigeon stopped to look. So I am looking at what you have done, and it inspires me to do things like to start searching the internet to find out something about pinstriping because I'm thinking I need to try that myself. And I look at your bike and I'm thinking that is not a type of bike I have ever made and so maybe I need one, so I copy your pictures and put them in my "idea" file because your bike is cool and you have ideas I need to steal...that's right, steal.
So when I am looking at bikes to vote on, I look at what the guy has to work with too. I think that matters. (Uh oh, everyone please forget that I have a machine shop available!) And like you said, there are just way too many cool bikes on here to vote on all of them that deserve the vote.
And I spend quite a bit of time looking though build threads because it is incredible the amount of talent that is here and it is incredible the quality of work people put out and how they do it and I learn a whole heck of a lot. So no matter how many or how few votes that are cast for my bike, I won a long time ago. So did everyone else. It's like having an encyclopedia of how to build stuff sitting right here.