BRAVO TO FORDSNAKE and MoFaux!!!!!!!!!!
What a killer build and how could I not show support for such wicked and fun talent!!!!!
Plus I get to say that
MY build name won BO7!!!! :wink:

And now without further adieu, here is the UN-official standings for BO7!!!
Someone please double check this for me!!!! I have been enjoying this with a Victory Dark Intrigue (Storm King Imperial Stout aged in bourbon barrels 9.1%).
I have said it before and I will say it again, it has been a TRUE HONOR to build and collaborate with you all this year!!!!
Thanks to anyone that honored Flex-Liner 7 with a vote. I am blown away that I made the top 5 in my second build off!!!!! Thank you so very much!!!!
BRAVO TO ALL!!!!! Finished or un-finished who joined BO7 (the GREATEST SHOW ON EARTH)!!!!
Look out for my Rocka-Fella 8 build next year!!! :wink: :wink: Peace on Earth! Good will to Ratters!
EDITED: Here are the corrected UN-official rankings using the standardized method used for college football polls and golf and such. For those of you that prefer a different way of ranking I have put that ranking in parentheses.
1st (1) 060. MoFaux (fordsnake) 127
2nd (2)046. Hot Rod Higgins (Terry66) 63
3rd (3) 063. MOSBY'S RAIDERS (bike2112) 54
4th (4) 038. Hex53 (tvc15) 47
5th (5) 031. Flex-Liner 7 (kingfish254) 36
7th (7) 027. Eliminator (Peatbog) 31
8th (8) 039. HiaWhatThe!!!!! (Xcruiser) 28
8th (8) 052. LACKLUSTER (Critter1) 28
10th (9) 049. I've Got My Spine, I've Got My Orange Crush (p00r0ldlu) 24
11th (10) 070. Paint it Black (yeshoney) 22
12th (11) 006. ATOMIC PUNK (bean) 21
12th (11) 055. LOCO-CYCLE (raggedjim) 21
14th (12) 084. Schwindian (Diabolical_Dork) 20
14th (12) 085. Seminole - The Seminole (ifitsfreeitsforme) 20
16th (13) 034. FULL TILT BOOGIE (texasbigjon) 19
16th (13) 065. New School (bighit) 19
18th (14) 089. Smokin' in The Boyz Room (EastOfEastLos) 17
18th (14) 032. Forward look - The Forward look (Mr. Kool) 17
20th (15) 019. Chicks need love too (Retro Rat Rog) 15
20th (15) 037. Hammered Higgins (MazdaFlyer) 15
20th (15) 044. Hot Rod Columbia (65rat) 15
23rd (16) 011. Bishop - The Bishop (justride) 14
23rd (16) 016. BULL DAWGED (rlhender) 14
23rd (16) 029. FAIRBANK FLYER - THE FAIRBANK FLYER (char) 14
26th (17) 003. '67 (Funkme) 13
26th (17) 100. TWENTY2 (RonK) 13
29th (18) 045. HOT ROD DELUXE (SCHWINNRAY69) 12
29th (18) 071. POCA RATA (pick) 12
31st (19) 040. Higgins the German Spy (yoothgeye) 11
31st (19) 056. Long Black Train (menzorro) 11
31st (19) 087. SideHacked! (JoKeR63) 11
31st (19) 099. Trussworthy (Kreep) 11
31st (19) 103. Uncle Touchy's Back Roads Bomber (aka_locojoe) 11
36th (20) 021. Copper King 2012 ( 10
37th (21) 018. Cherry Bomber (dogdart) 9
37th (21) 067. OBSCURED (highship) 9
39th (22) 013. BOARDER PATROL (Chips_Mahoy) 8
39th (22) 023. DEVIANT (Lugisland) 8
39th (22) 102. Ubernaturlich (ChrisMac) 8
42nd (23) 008. Barney Fife (450redrider) 7
42nd (23) 041. HodgePodge All Pro (Green P1) 7
44th (24) 002. 64. Gasser!!!! (Houndog) 6
44th (24) 005. Apple of my Eye (FatBoy) 6
44th (24) 030. Fisch's 20-inches of AWESOME! (Fisch) 6
44th (24) 050. Jacked Up Pilot (MplsCoaster) 6
44th (24) 074. QuickSilver (udallcustombikes) 6
44th (24) 093. STEAM BOY (54shadow) 6
50th (25) 001. 1952 Hornet (50DueceDaddy) 5
50th (25) 014. BonniRocket (expjawa) 5
50th (25) 015. Brightliner (brett4christ) 5
50th (25) 022. Dakota Bandit (Oneuglybike) 5
50th (25) 026. El Moco Mojado (Cuan) 5
50th (25) 033. Frisco bobber (Scootbomb) 5
50th (25) 042. honey badger (beatcad) 5
50th (25) 051. JAGUARAT - THE JAGUARAT (killingevilnine) 5
50th (25) 062. MONSTER HIGGINS (ndaway) 5
50th (25) 086. Shakedown (mrflagman) 5
50th (25) 105. Vulture Wing (vermodreary) 5
61st (26) 035. GEORGE BARRIS DragStripper MUSCLE BIKE Psychedelic DRAGSTRIP
(tanksalot) 4
61st (26) 036. Green With Envy- A 1955 Huffy Rat (someguy83) 4
61st (26) 047. Huffy HOP-UP (Skipton) 4
61st (26) 068. Old Skool Kool (oldy57) 4
61st (26) 069. Ole Blue (Scrapirondesigns) 4
61st (26) 080. Rock Bottom (bebopblu) 4
61st (26) 091. Special Delivery For Autumn (hardcore73) 4
61st (26) 095. Tales from the Crypt (52hawthorne) 4
69th (27) 017. CCM Beauté Noire (jamaces) 3
69th (27) 025. DMB "Smooth Rider" (abosley) 3
69th (27) 057. MAD MAX (subadrew) 3
69th (27) 066. Nuttin Fancy (big kountry) 3
69th (27) 073. Purple Reign (socal_jack) 3
69th (27) 076. Rat Salad (streetpirate) 3
69th (27) 077. RHUBARB RAIDER (Gold Street Customs) 3
69th (27) 078. RIDGE RUNNER XXX (PeterBuilt) 3
69th (27) 106. Wrap Rod (Rotton) 3
78th (28) 007. Bad Fish (slowriderz) 2
78th (28) 009. Below Radar (Brentley) 2
78th (28) 010. better late than never.. built it my way (motorcitygearjammer) 2
78th (28) 020. Coast King Murray (
[email protected]) 2
78th (28) 024. Devil's Darling (skiptooth7) 2
78th (28) 043. Hood Rat (deven_science) 2
78th (28) 053. Last Ditch Effort (Missing Link) 2
78th (28) 061. Momma's Boy (bpellham) 2
86th (29) 079. Roadmaster to Roadgrader (recycledbikez2) 2
86th (29) 081. Rock You Like a Hurricane (mitchelangelo) 2
86th (29) 082. rugrat ride along (jats) 2
86th (29) 083. Sarcasmatron (sensor) 2
86th (29) 090. SOUL CATCHER (dragnusa) 2
86th (29) 092. Speed Chief (evalu8r) 2
86th (29) 096. Terrible Tiger (Illiterite Wino) 2
86th (29) 098. Time Twister (Joker-n-Jack) 2
86th (29) 104. Upside Down Xcess (jerrykr) 2
95th (30) 004. American Immigrant - The American Immigrant (EasyRider420) 1
95th (30) 012. Black bike (deorman) 1
95th (30) 054. Lil Boy Rat Rod Bike (AtomicSwan) 1
95th (30) 058. MADD DAWG (dirtydawq) 1
95th (30) 059. Manta Race (Bane) 1
95th (30) 064. Murray's Revival (srdavo) 1
95th (30) 072. Project Purple (kingsting) 1
95th (30) 075. Rat Klunker (FunkyStickman) 1
95th (30) 088. Simple rat (charliechaindrive) 1
95th (30) 094. Strait Steal (Heavy Pedal) 1
95th (30) 097. TIMBER BARON (JJBones) 1
95th (30) 101. Typhoon (MONARKofSoCal) 1