This bike is unlike anything I have seen before. As best as I can tell it was VERY CLOSE to a fire. My best theory is that it was leaning up against a building that was next to a building that caught on fire. The paint is far from perfect but doesn't have the kind of damage you might expect from high temps. EVERYTHING plastic on the bike melted just a bit but not enough to totally distroy them. The medallions crystalized but the most amazing part is that the shroud itself actually melted. At first I wondered how that could even be possible but as it turns out the shrouds were made ou of pot metal.
I am not sure what level I am going to take this to. Might just clean it and replace a few missing bits, or might give it an acid bath and look for replacement crome. Either way I have a couple of period correct custom touches to set it apart.
I am not sure what level I am going to take this to. Might just clean it and replace a few missing bits, or might give it an acid bath and look for replacement crome. Either way I have a couple of period correct custom touches to set it apart.