This bike build started a couple of years ago. Slapped something together quickly for one of my twin daughters. Laced in a 3-speed hub and used an old, MTB frame. She rode it once and it sat from then on. So, dad got tired of looking at it sitting in the garage. Started re-doing it last fall. Found a like new, road bike rim and tire and a semi-fat tire at the thrift store. Fabricated a shifter from a MTB shifter, a piece of plumbing cap and a glass door knob. Next, took an old skate board and use for the seat base. Had some old leather that came off of an office chair that was tossed out when I worked at the HO of Western Auto, and made the seat with it.
Found a raccoon skull while I was out hiking in the woods and decided it needed to be added to this bike, somewhere. I had made a rear tail light from an old fishing reel and then found something better, a decorative fin piece from the front fender of a scooter project that it didn't need anymore.
A fun build that was not in any rush. Decided to put it up for sale. Put an ad on CL, get this, the guy that answered the ad and wanted it badly. His message was, "I will be over tonight with the cash, will be riding the bus, so, my arrival time may vary." So, the evening he is to come by, I am sitting on the front stoop of my place, I seen a 20ish year old kid, coming down the street on a skateboard, of all things! This was the kid that was going to buy the bike!
He was really tickled to get it, he loved it! He asked if I had any spare 26" rims laying around that he could have, pffft, what a question, sure do. Gave him one. So, he leaves with a 26" rim and his skateboard strapped to the backpack, heading off into the sunset, what a sight to behold.
Anyway, here be some pics of the bike.
Found a raccoon skull while I was out hiking in the woods and decided it needed to be added to this bike, somewhere. I had made a rear tail light from an old fishing reel and then found something better, a decorative fin piece from the front fender of a scooter project that it didn't need anymore.
A fun build that was not in any rush. Decided to put it up for sale. Put an ad on CL, get this, the guy that answered the ad and wanted it badly. His message was, "I will be over tonight with the cash, will be riding the bus, so, my arrival time may vary." So, the evening he is to come by, I am sitting on the front stoop of my place, I seen a 20ish year old kid, coming down the street on a skateboard, of all things! This was the kid that was going to buy the bike!
He was really tickled to get it, he loved it! He asked if I had any spare 26" rims laying around that he could have, pffft, what a question, sure do. Gave him one. So, he leaves with a 26" rim and his skateboard strapped to the backpack, heading off into the sunset, what a sight to behold.
Anyway, here be some pics of the bike.