Rat Rod
Owner & Founder
Wanted to run this past the forum members to hear your thoughts.
The current version of the Xenforo forum software being used for this site is outdated and will soon no longer be supported. We're in the version 1 world of things and last year they released version 2 which apparently offers more functionality, is better in a mobile environment, is more secure and is supposed to be easier to use. It's essentially a whole new forum platform designed by the same forum software company to replace the first version.
I have been speaking with a development company that specializes in upgrading the Xenforo software and all of its plug-ins to version 2 in a seamless process that protects all of the data. They guarantee the transfer process and they make sure things like feedback ratings and history are preserved.
As you would expect, there is a cost involved in all of this and I wondered if the forum members would be willing to chip in on the upgrade cost to make it happen. The cost to have the upgrade done is $1900 and it could be completed within a 2 week window.
My hope is that the upgrade might eliminate some of the bugs that we've put up with and at the same time, make this forum easier to use.
Reply below and let me know your thoughts either way on the subject....thanks!
The current version of the Xenforo forum software being used for this site is outdated and will soon no longer be supported. We're in the version 1 world of things and last year they released version 2 which apparently offers more functionality, is better in a mobile environment, is more secure and is supposed to be easier to use. It's essentially a whole new forum platform designed by the same forum software company to replace the first version.
I have been speaking with a development company that specializes in upgrading the Xenforo software and all of its plug-ins to version 2 in a seamless process that protects all of the data. They guarantee the transfer process and they make sure things like feedback ratings and history are preserved.
As you would expect, there is a cost involved in all of this and I wondered if the forum members would be willing to chip in on the upgrade cost to make it happen. The cost to have the upgrade done is $1900 and it could be completed within a 2 week window.
My hope is that the upgrade might eliminate some of the bugs that we've put up with and at the same time, make this forum easier to use.
Reply below and let me know your thoughts either way on the subject....thanks!