I picked up this True Value Westpoint made by Murray on craigslist for $20. He also threw in a 3 speed wheelset, the shifter and cable, and crankset so it made for a pretty good deal. The bike was a little rough but not in terrible shape. The frame looks nice with the double cantilever bars. Just lots of brown and a cracked and split seat.
I polished up the rims, replaced a few spokes and swapped the seat from a ladies Free Spirit that a friend gave me a day after I got this one. I didn't want to do a repaint but I did want to get rid of some of that brown. I got rid of the chainguard. I swapped the brown fenders for some nice chrome ones. The front was a little tight but it fit. The rear fender was just wrong. I swapped the fender braces from the original fender and mounted the end of the fender on the cross bar between the rear seat stays. Then I had to trim the end of the fender so it didn't hit the tire. It's the same fender job as on the sweet fleet. I think it turned out alright.
I polished up the rims, replaced a few spokes and swapped the seat from a ladies Free Spirit that a friend gave me a day after I got this one. I didn't want to do a repaint but I did want to get rid of some of that brown. I got rid of the chainguard. I swapped the brown fenders for some nice chrome ones. The front was a little tight but it fit. The rear fender was just wrong. I swapped the fender braces from the original fender and mounted the end of the fender on the cross bar between the rear seat stays. Then I had to trim the end of the fender so it didn't hit the tire. It's the same fender job as on the sweet fleet. I think it turned out alright.