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    • dropstep
      dropstep reacted to OddJob's post in the thread UNLIMITED Pyle with Like Like.
      I like the big knobbies on this! And aren't RaT-ina paint jobs fun?! Very unique and cool concept and rider. :thumbsup:
    • dropstep
      This is what happens when it’s time to clean out the scrap pile. Men’s 24 inch huffman someone hacked the top tube out of, women’s 56...
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    • dropstep
      dropstep replied to the thread TRADITIONAL Undecided.
      I forgot I built this 😂 it rides Wel but it’s heavy.
    • dropstep
      dropstep replied to the thread UNLIMITED Pyle.
      Got a few miles in tonight and took some photos just incase 😂
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    • dropstep
      dropstep replied to the thread UNLIMITED Pyle.
      I did it like 2 years ago 😂
    • dropstep
      dropstep reacted to kingfish254's post in the thread UNLIMITED Pyle with Like Like.
      Just don't forget your finished thread. Some people have done that in the past.
    • dropstep
      dropstep replied to the thread UNLIMITED Pyle.
      I’ve ridden it a few more times but otherwise no change. I need to get it out for some final photos but I’ve been busy
    • dropstep
      dropstep reacted to OddJob's post in the thread TRADITIONAL Quasi-Motobike with Like Like.
      There has always been one style of bike that I have wanted to build / rat-ify / in a rat-storation project. And that is the ‘Motobike’...
    • dropstep
      dropstep replied to the thread UNLIMITED Ratneck Rampage.
      Looks good!
    • dropstep
      dropstep replied to the thread UNLIMITED Pyle.
      Tonight’s car show was cancelled because of the heat advisory. Going to ride it around some more Sunday and see if any changes other...
    • dropstep
      dropstep replied to the thread UNLIMITED Ratneck Rampage.
      The low slung bikes are certainly a bit weird to ride at first. The seat on mine is 23 inches off the ground and it took getting used...
    • dropstep
      dropstep reacted to kingfish254's post in the thread UNLIMITED Pyle with Wow Wow.
      This is just so funky and cool to see as a rider! Well done!! In regards to a kickstand. Have you thought about cutting a one piece...
    • dropstep
      dropstep replied to the thread UNLIMITED Pyle.
      Did a 3 mile loop today. People stare but it rides surprisingly well. These tires do make it 4 1/4 at the bottom bracket, my original...
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    • dropstep
      dropstep reacted to kingfish254's post in the thread UNLIMITED Pyle with Like Like.
      Really digging the funkiness of this. I just had to rotate the pic so my brain could wrap itself around the cool and wild geometry.
    • dropstep
      dropstep replied to the thread UNLIMITED Pyle.
      Ready to take it out and ride it with the pass thru for the chain. I’ll try to grab a better photo but the tube + moving the seat stay...
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