Rat Beer bike

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Oct 23, 2011
Reaction score
Lord Howe Island. Tasman Sea, Australia.
Rating - 0%
0   0   0
Merry Christmas everyone, been out of the loop but still lurking
bike wise, still building stuff like a couple of tributes to my beloved

VW shrine made from some bits I have collected over the years,
been stashed in a box finally got my act together and made a sort
of si-fi VW shrine.

From my other stuff a VW light, this one the boss lady even lets in
the house!

Anyway enough of the off-topic stuff, again from bits I have scrounged
(pirated) over the years, buffed the paint off the frame left it outside and
let the salt airdo it's stuff for a couple of months, free rat rod patina from
mother nature!

The, I think Japanese, beer box I found washed up on the beach covered
inbarnacles, let it dry out cleaned it up, again patina from mother nature!


For those who have holidays have a great one, for those on the other
side of the world in the depths of winter, I shouldn't but I'm going to a
pleasant 77F out in the Tasman Sea today, Pushie Pirate out!

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