Rat-Rod swingbikes

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Aug 16, 2008
Reaction score
Spanish Fork, Utah
Rating - 100%
2   0   0
I built this thing using a mangled schwinn fairlady some VW parts, some air compressor parts, exorsise bike parts. I modified the insides of a rear coaster brake to use as a drum on the front wheel. This is by far the most fun I have ever had riding a bike. It is just as fun to watch other people ride it. I am now building a few with all new parts, I can also sell just a triangle and seat stem for you to make you own. supplies are limited.

See how to ride it... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R5P70XtI4zQ :D



Nice job. Please elaborate how you did the coaster brake on the front. This subject has come up before.
This brake was the two pad expander style. I removed the sprocket and welded on a lever for the cable to pull on with a spring attached to the rear to give tension to the hand lever. The insides of a stock coaster brake move freely when coasting. Since the pads are locked in place with respect to the axle, I welded a small "cube" to the round part that slides side to side when you pedal foreward or backward that fits between the pads so that it could not readjust. The trickiest part is welding that "cube" in the right spot so that the brake arm and levers are placed correctly and work together. I attached the brake arm to the front fork just like it would attach in the rear. If this doesn't make sense, just ask specifics. I always knew it was possible, It took me 3 tries to get it figured out. If I ever take it apart I will post pictures, but I don't really feel like taking it apart right now. This one will leave black marks on the sidewalk. I helped my brother build one for his bike that would do stoppies...It does work!
Well, my kids have been asking for a "Twisty Bike" for a while. Obviously with a 49 inch wheel base mine is a liitle big for my kids. the oldest is 6. I had the day off work yesterday, so I bought a $10 bike from a thrift store, and used a few parts that I had laying around to build a 16"er. I probably should have gone with a 12"er. I had to clamp the seat right onto the frame.

by aka_locojoe on Sat Aug 16, 2008 10:01 pm

That video is awesome. Kids don't try this at home!

To anyone that thinks swingbikes are unsafe such as Ralph Nader, here are a couple of pictures of the 16" swingbike with my FOUR YEAR OLD riding it! :D



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