UNLIMITED Ratneck Rampage [pg9: working on details]

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I NEED one of those!
Perhaps two or three!
For one bike?!!? Duck Norris's Quacks ;)

Welded the bottom bracket at a different place/shop in my town. Welding is much easier here, so the welds also look better.

I primed and sealed the previous welds with a sealant you can paint, looks good and it stays corrosion free. I have not decided on the paint or patina just yet.









Alignment before welding... what a contraption!


Next: Cut this out.

I have some neat ideas in my head involving a chainguard.

To be continued and thanks for watching and reacting guys!
This looks like it's coming together well! I haven't gone back to page one to view the original concept, just following along with each step of the way. So right now, I like the structure of the main square tube tying the front to the back, and the solidity of your welds / supports.
Can't wait to see this 'flesh out'!
This looks like it's coming together well! I haven't gone back to page one to view the original concept, just following along with each step of the way. So right now, I like the structure of the main square tube tying the front to the back, and the solidity of your welds / supports.
Can't wait to see this 'flesh out'!
Thank you OJ, appreciate you following this build.
To be honest; I haven't read your full build process too. When I start assembly and mockups, I'll take some time to read the build threads a bit more.

A few updates working an hour in the shack:



Magnets keep it in place.




That top tube (the grey square/oval one) is quite thin. A wall thickness of 1mm. Its strong though.
Starting to shape up now. I really like the flow and the variety of tubing shapes.
Tomorrow I will nearly finish preparations for the (I plan to) final welding session next tuesday.


Tiny "lug" from CrMo to strengthen the joint a bit more.

And I tried a few things with paint. To get an idea / sense of how it looks outside of the spray can:
Again on CAD board!


Purple or Green for the rims...


Matte black frame and red rims. Nothing too extreme, but just classic ratrod cool...

In the meantime I found a very cool, cheap fork on marketplace. Not for this build, but I wanted to share it:

For the 'lowering' of the axles... wait... lowering of the frame :thumbsup:
I had this radical inspiration.
I found a picture on pinterest of a bicycle which I really liked. I thought about changing the frame to accomodate the new position of the frame belly, but loved this aggressive idea:


Picture not mine. I love the fact that the rear dropout plate really open up the rear sprocket and hub.

I will probably not incorporate the banana seat.
What I intend to do is use a 'junk' plate (not a lasercut, since I am already working with junk) and use a thread with eyelets to tension the chain.

The front plates to drop the front fork are just awesome and I hope to fabricate something like that.
Killer fork score. Can't wait for the weldup on the frame and see what you come up with associated with the lower expectations reference bike.
I totally read that can wrong and thought what kinda stinking paint job is this????

View attachment 267249
Fart spray :bigsmile: that is handy, I could get rid of the voles in the tunnels in our garden! Farb is German for paint. 🤙
Thanks Kingfish!

Updates and rambles:

I finished welding the frame. There might be details left to weld, but the general frame is done.
Yesterday I got me an automatic welding helmet, that automatically dims when the welder starts buzzing. It works great! But my welds need a bit more practice. They're strong and solid though!

I tried the spray cans on a actual part (A grater) to see the flakes and colour.

First the best part: The frame!




Top tube welded! Made me think of this and chuckle:







Cleaned and primed the welds. Don't know yet if I'll go full rat.


Pretty neat!

So colour wise... its a bit vaque but I nearly made up my mind about a few things.

Frame: Matte black with off-white striping/chevrons. Going for the classic ratrod look.
Haven't decided on clean, patina of rat look just yet.

Rims: Probably metallic green, metallic purple or Red (ral 3020 traffic red).




Looks cool, but I'm not gonna do the fade.


Feel free to express your preferences!

Thanks guys :thumbsup:
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It's hard for me to compare the wheel color (I'm assuming that is set and won't change) with the paint options. But I think because of your two different tube shapes you have in your frame, to accentuate those, I would paint them different colors.

Here is an example I just worked up on my primitive Paint program. Basically, finger painting for adults! :bigsmile:

bre frame paint.jpg

It would help to see wheels and fork mocked up in there, and bars and seat if you have them, to get a better idea of 'flow'.
It's hard for me to compare the wheel color (I'm assuming that is set and won't change) with the paint options. But I think because of your two different tube shapes you have in your frame, to accentuate those, I would paint them different colors.

Here is an example I just worked up on my primitive Paint program. Basically, finger painting for adults! :bigsmile:

View attachment 267419

It would help to see wheels and fork mocked up in there, and bars and seat if you have them, to get a better idea of 'flow'.

Thank you Oddjob, I like your idea there. I will get rid of the red parts of the frame and paint it black or an other colour.

But you idea, to make a mockup first is probably not bad. This way you can see the entire shape and fingerpaint :grin: it.
Or I'll fingerpaint on my CAD board 👀
I took your idea @OddJob and applied my own variation on it:
Love how ideas vary and mix together on this forum!

The fork is already nice and rusty-crusty and I'll leave that.


Colouring plate :p

My ideas for the paint:



Frame is looking awesome.
I like the traditional rat vibe of flat black, red rims, and whitewalls.
I also like your idea of traditional darts on the front, but I would keep those to the headtube, toptube, and downtube. Use the tank area for something cool instead of trying to blend a dart in there.
When I saw the cheese grater, the first thing that came to mind was what a cool louver pattern that is! If you have two of those, you could angle them and slice them up to make a wicked tank insert.
Now I need to add giant cheese graters to my list of things to look for at yard sales and thrift stores. :D

The frame is looking great! I really like the style you have come up with. All of the colors look good on the rims. I might have a slight preference for the green.

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