Well this has been an incredibly fun time building this bike. It's the first time I've built a bike and definitely not my last. I found out about this build off just as the voting started last year and I was amazed at all the bikes so I knew I wanted to participate when it came back. The level of talent on this site is second to none. I had a lot of help to make this all possible including everyone that's followed my build and I'm thankful for the support. I have to thank my very understanding girlfriend for putting up with an absent boyfriend at times this last month when I realized I was at risk of ending without a complete bike! I really couldn't have finished without her support. I also have a lot of friends that helped with different things like the final photos, donating parts or supplies, and especially donating their time to help me get the tank milled correctly. Thank you to them... they know who they are!
With that said, I hope everyone likes the bike! I had a tough time narrowing down the pictures so hopefully the bike is cool enough to keep everyone looking until the end!
Lastly, here is a link to the build thread if any one is interested:
The first shot we took is the one I think that turned out the coolest.. so that's the one I wanted to show first!
With that said, I hope everyone likes the bike! I had a tough time narrowing down the pictures so hopefully the bike is cool enough to keep everyone looking until the end!
Lastly, here is a link to the build thread if any one is interested:
The first shot we took is the one I think that turned out the coolest.. so that's the one I wanted to show first!
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