Redone Boardtcrack Racer and my $8 Fixy

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Mar 7, 2008
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I put this Boardtrack racer together a while ago and then took it all apart and repainted it, made a number board and did some lettering, not the greatest at it or pinstriping but gave it a shot, came out pretty cool considering the green is actually self etching primer that I cleared over.
My fixed gear project started out as a $8 garage sale 80's Schwinn Worldsport, not exactly RatRod stuff but I thought it came out pretty neat.
Re: Redone Bordtcrack Racer and my $8 Fixy

They are 24" x 3" Kendas, I bought them at Al Petris in Lincoln Park Michigan. You can find them pretty readily online, Cycles US has them and they are having a sale on Monday, 30% off, mention "one day sale" (hopefully I don't get hassled for this, but I saw this on Freakbike Nation )
well youre not alone.....i did the clear over etching primer my self........
looks great(and the stripes and paint look fine)!
Re: Redone Bordtcrack Racer and my $8 Fixy

ambman said:
They are 24" x 3" Kendas, I bought them at Al Petris in Lincoln Park Michigan. You can find them pretty readily online, Cycles US has them and they are having a sale on Monday, 30% off, mention "one day sale" (hopefully I don't get hassled for this, but I saw this on Freakbike Nation )

Thanks! I have Kenda Flames on my Kona and did not realize these were also Kendas. I like the tread pattern. Will definitely check out the sale!