remove glue from frame

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Mar 30, 2010
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San Diego, Ca
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I got an incredible deal on an Electra Hawaii because it's rusty, but mostly because the former owner decided to 'glam it up' by putting glue on the frame in different spots and sprinkling it with glitter. Now it just looks like sand glued to the frame.
Does anyone have any suggestions on removing this horrid concoction without damaging the paint job? It appears to be a light adhesive like Elmer's glue.
mineral spirits takes off gummy sticky messes
laquer thinner will work too, but don't use too much!
if it's Elmer's glue, just use hot water. Elmer's is water/soap clean-up, so some really hot water would melt it right off.
good luck!
It looks to be a much stronger adhesive than Elmer's glue.
This is going to take lots of time and effort...
Does anyone have any experience with a cleaner called "Goo Gone?"
I went through that recently with industrial strength super glue. acetone got it off,wear protective gloves. as they say, test the effect on the paint first someplace where it will not show. it did not effect the paint on mine.
GameBent said:
It looks to be a much stronger adhesive than Elmer's glue.
This is going to take lots of time and effort...
Does anyone have any experience with a cleaner called "Goo Gone?"

I've used Goo Gone with good results, but not on bikes... usually when something comes with a sticker on it and the sticker comes off and leaves schmutz that just smears around but won't come off. Worked once to take off masking tape residue that I figure had to be at least 20-25 years old, based on the age of the Matchbox cars in the case that had been taped up...

Usually I cover the adhesive stuff with Goo Gone, let it soak in a little, then start working at getting it off. A good bit of the stuff will come off, then I use a paper towel or rag with more Goo Gone on it to get the last of it.


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