Thank you all for your kind words! Although I mainly try to make a bike the way I think it'll look good and ride well, it's such an encouragement to hear that you appreciate what I do! And I'm still somewhat surprized over your reactions, because in my mind I'm still just a beginner who's trying to learn more. For example, before I built the Vincent bike I had never touched a welder in my life, and I know that there must be so much that I don't know yet and better ways to do things. With this said I say thank you again, I'm glad I found this place!
Today I put on the chain and the gear cable and went for the first test ride!

Nice feeling even if it's not perfect conditions for riding a bike today with soft melting snow on the dirt road outside my house. Here are some photos of the bike fully assembled.
I guess the next thing to do is to take it all apart and prep it for paint!
Graylock said:
It's to bad we are all mortal, so little time to do the things that makes us happy.
All the more reason to do things that make us and the people around us happy as much of the time as we can!
Graylock said:
You must fabricate in your dreams, how do you get rest?
I wish I did! :lol: I guess I'm thinking about it often and figure out design ideas while working or doing other things, so that when I've got time to work on the bike I don't have to think about what to do but just do it.

But sometimes it's frustrating because there are often more ideas than there's time to carry them out. Right now for instance, I already have the next bike pretty much all figured out and I've also got some of the parts I'll use for it, and I've got ideas for at least five more bikes after that... :roll:
I'll take a look at your link, I'm glad if I can be of any help!
And bring.doom, just go for it and have fun!
That's all for now!!