riding for your health?

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Mar 3, 2011
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well fot around to the doctors today, im to skinny (yeah! i know!) she asked me where all of the weight went cause i lost about 40 pounds in bout 5 months. told her i ride alot, and that its all gone there. so now, i got to gain about 10 more pounds back! i never eat, and am never hungry except for when im done riding. so my diagnosis is
-eat fatty foods
-dont excersize as much (i loled when she said that)
-and dont ride as much
so to get hungry i ride, but i cant ride so i dont get hungry. looks like ill be on the forum alooot more :mrgreen:

anyone else just do all this for their health? i know its probably not for a reason im doing it, but probably the complete opposite :D
When I started getting back into bikes it was for a cheaper hobby than fast cars and 4x4s, the health thing was just an added benefit. I have about 15-20 pounds you can have. :D
Started out as exercise, turned into a hobby. Who'd a thunk? A hobby that's good for me.

Snydur, I'd get a new Doctor if I were you.
My wife and I try to ride out bikes every night. We have his/hers dual suspension mountain bikes we got for a wedding present and we hit the bike path right by our house. So far we've been doing pretty well at it, sad that winter is around the corner :(
this isnt her word for word, except the fatty foods part, but she's afraid im going to have low blood sugar and if im to far on the thin side, that it wont be gradually, it will just be wake up one day, feel dizzy, and blam, im gone. ive gotten some blood work done so ill find out about all this next week. she just said that i need to do whatever so i can eat because im about 10 to 15 pounds under weighht
snydur said:
this isnt her word for word, except the fatty foods part, but she's afraid im going to have low blood sugar and if im to far on the thin side, that it wont be gradually, it will just be wake up one day, feel dizzy, and blam, im gone. ive gotten some blood work done so ill find out about all this next week. she just said that i need to do whatever so i can eat because im about 10 to 15 pounds under weighht

I pretty much stayed underweight through college, then I graduated, got married and promptly gained 30 pounds, everyone agreed that I needed it and I looked better (no more ribs showing) so I kept at my routine, the next 15-20 pounds didn't look as good on me. I still got those.
I think that if you started eating 4-5 small meals spread throughout the day, there would be no reason to stop/limit biking. Biking isn't the problem.
GameBent said:
I think that if you started eating 4-5 small meals spread throughout the day, there would be no reason to stop/limit biking. Biking isn't the problem.

Exactly, biking is the solution. Bike harder, muscle is heavier than fat.
A year ago I started commuting to work by bike, 10 miles each way. Within 3 months I lost 40 pounds, and have kept it off. Family thought I was nuts until the weight started coming off.
I got back into the bike thing cause i needed to stop spending so much money on cars,,,thats getting to be a real expensive habit/hobby so i bought a bike my wife a bike and my 2 sons.... well we are all getting trim..but as for me i was diagnosed with R/A early last year and i was going to to Dr every 2 to 3 weeks to get check up's and lab work done not to mention all the x-rays and bone scans i was hurting every where joints bones muscles.... i would call off work with so much pain and then i work in an office setting and sitting all day really took a toll on my hips..long story short since i started biking..NOTHING HURTS ANYMORE.. i haven't seen a Dr or had the need too in over 8 months and i stopped all med's i feel GREAT!!!! not to mention I'm only 31 years young... now every morning before getting in my car for work I stop by the garage and make sure my baby is still there :mrgreen: .. so yea get a second opinion biking is not bad at all...and yupp muscle does weigh more than fat

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