Before the museum closes anyone for road trip?
• Starting Tuesday, December 2nd , the museum has offered several personally guided tours with Carl & Clary Burgwardt hosting special tours that have, for the past 17 years, only been offered to tour bus operators and large groups. Walk-in visitors generally use a recorded self-guided tour. These tours give much more in-depth details of the intensity and impact of the bicycle's history, the museum's rare treasures, and Buffalo and Western New York's important part of it all.
• These tours will be also be continuing per the following schedule:
Reservations by phone or e-mail are prefered but drop ins are welcome)
Tuesday, December 16, 2008
Thursday, December 18, 2008
Tuesday, January 6, 2009
Thursday, January 8, 2009
Tuesday, January 13, 2009
Each tour will start at 7 PM and last approximately 2 hours. The museum will open at 6:30 PM for browsing to insure a prompt 7 PM start of the tours without latecomer interruptions.
• The tours are targeted for adults, seniors and children 4 th grade and up. Cost to participate in one of these tours, by reservation only , will be $10.00 per person (children 15 & under $7.50).
• A brief reception with snacks will follow each tour and participants in each session will have the opportunity to purchase an autographed copy of Carl Burgwardt's “Buffalo's Bicycles” book at half price. Additionally, participants will receive a 15% discount on any other purchases made in the Museum Gift Shop those evenings.
Reservations preferably should be made in advance for these tours and they
will each be limited to about 30 persons per session.
Call or e-mail for reservations 716 - 662-3853 - [email protected]
• Starting Tuesday, December 2nd , the museum has offered several personally guided tours with Carl & Clary Burgwardt hosting special tours that have, for the past 17 years, only been offered to tour bus operators and large groups. Walk-in visitors generally use a recorded self-guided tour. These tours give much more in-depth details of the intensity and impact of the bicycle's history, the museum's rare treasures, and Buffalo and Western New York's important part of it all.
• These tours will be also be continuing per the following schedule:
Reservations by phone or e-mail are prefered but drop ins are welcome)
Tuesday, December 16, 2008
Thursday, December 18, 2008
Tuesday, January 6, 2009
Thursday, January 8, 2009
Tuesday, January 13, 2009
Each tour will start at 7 PM and last approximately 2 hours. The museum will open at 6:30 PM for browsing to insure a prompt 7 PM start of the tours without latecomer interruptions.
• The tours are targeted for adults, seniors and children 4 th grade and up. Cost to participate in one of these tours, by reservation only , will be $10.00 per person (children 15 & under $7.50).
• A brief reception with snacks will follow each tour and participants in each session will have the opportunity to purchase an autographed copy of Carl Burgwardt's “Buffalo's Bicycles” book at half price. Additionally, participants will receive a 15% discount on any other purchases made in the Museum Gift Shop those evenings.
Reservations preferably should be made in advance for these tours and they
will each be limited to about 30 persons per session.
Call or e-mail for reservations 716 - 662-3853 - [email protected]