Rollfast and SCP bicycles...

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Feb 20, 2007
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Got a new project, late thirties 40's rollfast MOTOBIKE , all original excetp seat, tubes and tires. kewl faded rusty indian red and white cream,this is going to be my new Bomber project, I thjink they call em klunkers in the states, lol.
the SCP looks like a late 50's girls CCM and i set it up with a 3 speed and new forks. man, i got 5 running bikes and four that just need tubes, !!!
I 'm going nuts! :D

Anyone from Canada know anything about SC pbikes- theres a beaver on the logo!lol

Yeah, i've never seen another SPC before, it is a nice metallic blue girls frame, twin top tubes with little v gusstes, really neat, darts and diamonds on forks and chainguard, looks like it was probably made by CC< for someone.
Nope..never heard of SCP.

The only Beaver on a Bike in my House is my Girlfriends.

( she has a Pet beaver...that I pet once and a while...and he Rides a Bike )
darn thing gobbles up all my wood. :mrgreen: :mrgreen:

OK, I'm done!

Post up Pic's of The Beaver Bike :D

"Wynona loved her big brown beaver
And she stroked him all the time.
She pricked her finger one day and it
Occurred to her she might have a porcupine." - Primus :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen:

pics please (OF THE BIKE)
Wynona may have loved her beaver (as big and brown as it was!), but Jerry was a race car driver, which may not trump the beaver-stroking of a woman...but he WAS a race car driver!
"Jerry was a race car driver
22 years old
Had too many cold beers one night
And wrapped himself around a telephone pole"

yes he WAS

yes, the headbadge has a beaver on it !! I'll be posting pics as soon as the rain stops! isnt that the way it is, everytime you finish sanding n get ready to paint it rains?
Don't make me whoop out my trunk monkey on you fellahs... :D


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