Rookie Sub-Comp?

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This may be my first build off, but I will go against all who are in the Anything Goes category... No sub category for me, no sir yee......
dracothered said:
This may be my first build off, but I will go against all who are in the Anything Goes category... No sub category for me, no sir yee......

It doesn't take you out of the main category, it's just like a secondary for fun category.
As I said in my intro to the forum "long time listener, first time caller." : )

I'm new to the forum although I've been watching the site for several months and this is my first time build... ever.
My LeTour Tourist frame I'm using for BO#8 traditional section.

I'm also with the entries who in the Lightweight sub comp
What do you count as a build off rookie? There were at least 3 newbies who competed in the smaller muscle bike build off earlier in the year, does that disqualify them from entering this as rookies? I don't mind either way, just looking out for my build off brothers... :wink:

So, if I am no longer a rookie because I took part in the muscle bike build off, does that make me a veteran :shock:


I don't feel like a veteran :roll:

Glen said:
So, if I am no longer a rookie because I took part in the muscle bike build off, does that make me a veteran :shock:


I don't feel like a veteran :roll:


In all honesty I'd just say, if you feel like a rookie, you're probably a rookie. It's all for fun anyway.
Good question. From those who have either identified themselves on here or I know to be rookies (Laurie Thom) here's the builds I know of:
Velo Jardin:

The Mojito:

Simplistic Speed:

OCC Army Stingray:

Cyclobilly Deluxe:

Resistance is Futile AKA Mega-Pixie Ray:


Anyone I'm missing?
outskirtscustoms said:
I didn't finish my bike last year, so this is the first build off bike I have actually had entered. I don't think I qualify as a rookie though, I spend way too much time on this site... :lol:

It's all for fun, so why not? Its not like the guys that did the anything goes are new to building. :wink:

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