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Peatbog said:
But here is the thing. Most people are honest. They are. While being careful, I prefer to behave as if all people are. It is a more enjoyable way to live.

+1 Well Said!
I think there are approximately 6-10 people that he received approximately $600-$1000 from.
There is probably another 10+ people that sent parts or money for the auction bike.
Here's a fool proof way of making sure good intentions go to the right people. If you feel the need to donate to a cause...research that cause first. There is only 1 charity I will have anything to do with and that is the Salvation Army. Im sure there are mane good ones out there. So if you want to support one..go to their website or official site and donate that way. It makes it less suspect and it may just reach the proper people.

I hate to always be negative..but there is a reason for it. And we just saw evidence of it first hand. Maybe something truly happened to this person..BUT..like all of us..we are passionate about this hobby and im sure most of us would find a minute to at least respond and say a few words.

And from the way the build took a turn early on..I believe it was being done for the wrong reasons..and that would be a pat on the back. Just my two cents..moral is." if you want to donate..do it the right way"
My thoughts on donating for a Charity Bike in the future would be to donate through Steve (RatRod). Since he is going to be the one who has to approve any build of this nature, I think he is fully capable of making the correct decisions about how all this is all going to happen. I don't want any situations like this to happen again. Obviously I don't have all or maybe any answers, but I have enough sense to know that our leaders on this Forum are the ones that we need to look to prevent problems coming up again.
I will not write off BCT as I wish to remain optimistic that Willy and Mel will make good on this situation. Maybe he's embarrassed or it is simply out of his control at the moment. It might be easier for me to say this as I have not lost anything. I really don't know. I can also say that I don't even care what the reasons are, just that if he would contact Steve and make some kind of effort to turn everything right side up again. If it's going to take some time, so be it. These kind of things can be forgiven and probably should but it just isn't a one way street. I think BCT's positive feedbacks have value and welcome them back into our community.There should not be winners and losers here, only winners.

Everything you said is all well and good, but it's been a month and a half since I gave him $400, and have received nothing. Everything would be TOTALLY different if he was communicating regularly, telling me it'll be delayed, letting me know he hasn't forgotten our deal, reassuring me. I would never, ever leave someone hanging like this. If my wife was in the hospital, I'd take the two minutes to send a message, letting any outstanding commitments know that life has gotten in the way.

I had more disparaging things on here, but I deleted them. Calling him names wouldn't do any good, anyway.
is this member gonna be banned or what? and what are the odds of him coming back under a different user name using a different address and doing the same thing again?
I'm thinking only Steve can make the decision to ban anyone. I understand that folks feel ripped off and no one likes that feeling. To everyone who has lost something in this thing, please just follow Steve's lead and submit a claim and let the legal system take it's course.
Violence or intimidation tactics will do nothing but cause more trouble for those who pursue it.
RatSphinx said:
I'm thinking only Steve can make the decision to ban anyone. I understand that folks feel ripped off and no one likes that feeling. To everyone who has lost something in this thing, please just follow Steve's lead and submit a claim and let the legal system take it's course.
Violence or intimidation tactics will do nothing but cause more trouble for those who pursue it.

Well said!

I feel for everyone who may have had a bad deal from anyone, including BCT. I don't know the guy, but at some point, his heart was in the right place. We can only guess what might have happened that has caused so much grief. And yes, I too had a bad experience, but enough. Steve, ban him, members who got taken, learn from the experience, and let's all move on. There is enough bad karma about BCT to last a lifetime now, adding a bunch of "what ifs" "glad I didn't" and "death to the infidel" isn't going to make things better. We as a group are better than that. If you have an issue, write him, call him, go visit him. Nothing further can be resolved by continuing this thread. Everyone has been warned....everyone feels your pain (and lost $$$).
NewOrleansFlyer said:
I feel for everyone who may have had a bad deal from anyone, including BCT. I don't know the guy, but at some point, his heart was in the right place. We can only guess what might have happened that has caused so much grief. And yes, I too had a bad experience, but enough. Steve, ban him, members who got taken, learn from the experience, and let's all move on. There is enough bad karma about BCT to last a lifetime now, adding a bunch of "what ifs" "glad I didn't" and "death to the infidel" isn't going to make things better. We as a group are better than that. If you have an issue, write him, call him, go visit him. Nothing further can be resolved by continuing this thread. Everyone has been warned....everyone feels your pain (and lost $$$).

As someone who has money in this particular race (maybe the most money), I would not ban him. Not yet. Leave this site open to him so that if his conscience catches up, he will be able to communicate to those he needs to in order to set things right.

Then, once everyone has what they paid for, then that decision could be made. Besides, banning someone from a site that they're avoiding like the plague does no good.
deven_science said:
NewOrleansFlyer said:
I feel for everyone who may have had a bad deal from anyone, including BCT. I don't know the guy, but at some point, his heart was in the right place. We can only guess what might have happened that has caused so much grief. And yes, I too had a bad experience, but enough. Steve, ban him, members who got taken, learn from the experience, and let's all move on. There is enough bad karma about BCT to last a lifetime now, adding a bunch of "what ifs" "glad I didn't" and "death to the infidel" isn't going to make things better. We as a group are better than that. If you have an issue, write him, call him, go visit him. Nothing further can be resolved by continuing this thread. Everyone has been warned....everyone feels your pain (and lost $$$).

As someone who has money in this particular race (maybe the most money), I would not ban him. Not yet. Leave this site open to him so that if his conscience catches up, he will be able to communicate to those he needs to in order to set things right.

Then, once everyone has what they paid for, then that decision could be made. Besides, banning someone from a site that they're avoiding like the plague does no good.

I have been away for a while and really hate to come back and see this. I made a donation on the build, not as much as some gave, but feel cheated just the same. Lesson learned I guess.
Upsetting since Deven is a friend and a Chief and I hate to see that happen to anyone, let alone someone I have a connection with.

As Peatbog said, I too am a trusting soul. I just made a deal with Diabolical that went very well and trust he'll send the parts as promised soon. I've made deals with several people on this site and plan to make many more. BCT's actions won't disuade me from that or change how I operate because, as Peat said, that's not how I want to live my life. Call that naive or opening myself to exploitation.

I have gotten burned on here. A young member wanted to trade and I put up the 'more' of the trade (About $30 of military stuff) for his $20 seat which I didn't really need. He stopped answering PM's after a couple months. I notified Steve, but this kid has never tried another transaction, so I just left a negative feedback (after I already left a postive) and moved on.