Time for an update:
I've been working here and there trying to sand and primer the parts I will be painting. I've got a lot done, but nothing picture worthy.
I cleaned up the bullet horn/light I bought from ebay. I fixed the horn unit too, all I had to do was adjust a screw that lead into the bell piece. This is a before picture. I am going to put it between some truss rods coming from DD.
Seeing everyone else get crafty with their builds inspired me to try something different. I've always wanted to make my own light, so here it goes...
I am going to make a tail light out of one of those round reflectors that people put in their lawns, usually at mailboxes and such. So I picked up a blue one from the side of the road (I know you can buy these, but you can usually just drive around and see plenty that have been abandoned), and a plastic wine glass from goodwill (55 cents).
I found some scrap wood in the basement and cut out a ring that will be a bracket for the reflector so it can fit in the glass.
I used a belt sander to smooth out all the edges of the wooden ring. Then I cut off the neck of the glass, and sanded it down smooth.
here is a quick mockup of what I am doing with this... I will paint the original to match the bike, and mount it underneath the seat.
I will post some more pictures when I get it done. I am going to put some LEDs behind the reflector to light it up.