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I like this idea. Old school
That's what I did in the voting last week.

I had been letting this sleeping dog lie, but I surely would like to see how it would work out. I usually only vote for one bike per class personally, even if I can vote multiple times. I'd like to add one vote per class to the proposed rules.

I began to rebuild Little Neutrino in my head last year but never turned a bolt. I've got bikes on top of bikes here but only a handful I want to ride. As cool (to me) as Little Neutrino looks, it's never been a favorite to ride and it's a dusty neglected relic now. I've been on a "rebuild my old bikes" kick lately, maybe I can get this one rolling again with some major modifications. But, I've got to build or buy a tubing roller to do what I really want...

I began to rebuild Little Neutrino in my head last year but never turned a bolt. I've got bikes on top of bikes here but only a handful I want to ride. As cool (to me) as Little Neutrino looks, it's never been a favorite to ride and it's a dusty neglected relic now. I've been on a "rebuild my old bikes" kick lately, maybe I can get this one rolling again with some major modifications. But, I've got to build or buy a tubing roller to do what I really want...


To paraphrase, get to buyin', Carl.

I had been letting this sleeping dog lie, but I surely would like to see how it would work out. I usually only vote for one bike per class personally, even if I can vote multiple times. I'd like to add one vote per class to the proposed rules.


Over the past few years you could vote for as many builds as you wanted to. Throughout this time, I have still voted by the old rules of just 3 votes. In my opinion forcing everyone to just have one vote is a bit too restrictive.
This is all I have so far, but I am going to try to build something out of it.
Over the past few years you could vote for as many builds as you wanted to. Throughout this time, I have still voted by the old rules of just 3 votes. In my opinion forcing everyone to just have one vote is a bit too restrictive.
Just like our national elections, everyone needs more than just one vote! :rofl:
Over the past few years you could vote for as many builds as you wanted to. Throughout this time, I have still voted by the old rules of just 3 votes. In my opinion forcing everyone to just have one vote is a bit too restrictive.
Agreed. Whittling it down to 10, then 5, then 3 is hard enough when the competition is stacked. I would have major anxiety over just a singular choice
Not sure if we need an extra class for electric bikes. A conversion seldom requires extensive modification. The electric motor simply makes pedaling easier, just like any transmission does - a different principle for sure, but the desired effect is less effort for the rider in both cases.
I don't even think it should be in the anything goes section.
As long as it can be pedal powered as well...seems fine in a regular class (as long as it fits all the other requirements).

As to the voting thing...I think limiting to one, or three, votes could discourage future participation of some builders. Receiving even just one or two votes is a lot better than a big fat goose egg. Personally, I give the top third of the bikes a vote :grin: .
Yeah, I imagine the voting changed for a reason. If it goes to one vote, everyone knows which three or four contestants all the votes will be distributed amongst, just not necessarily the order. That's not a knock on the top builders, just a point about predictability. Personally, I vote according to the categories I have in my head, like Most Original Idea, Best Craftsmanship, maybe Craziest Part Repurpose, Most Ridiculously Excessive Effort, etc. I don't participate to win, but getting no votes at all would be pretty discouraging to just about anyone and if that means less people participate, then I see it as a negative. Plus, there's a total ranking with multiple votes versus the likely scenario where a large portion get 0 or 1 vote.
Let’s be honest. There are bikes submitted to the final build-off vote that flat out don’t deserve a single vote for a variety of reasons. A lot of them. Go ahead and include anything I’ve submitted over the years - it’ll bounce right off. Yes, it’s discouraging to receive few or no votes, but if one isn‘t going to participate because they might not/didn’t get any votes, well, then maybe they shouldn’t participate. As for getting a vote or two because one is a good egg and they followed the rules and submitted a finished bike, that’s a participation trophy no matter how you parse it.

Let’s take one of my builds for example. That I’m tied for 57th place with two votes (my wife and my mom, bless them) actually translates, in 60’s-70’s-80’s terms, into no one thought my build was very good and I lost. I recovered from the trauma of that loss, I’m happy to report.

I’m very competitive and I’ve lost many times more than I’ve won. But it’s a thrill to compete on a level playing field and make anyone who beats me earn it. I don’t need the smiley sticker for 57th place, thanks, or the box of tissues.
