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expjawa said:
kingfish254 said:
Let us hear more about the non sidecar builds too!!!!
I know you're out there. Don't let us keep bogarting this thread!!

I think I'm drawing inspiration from highboy roadsters and Deuce Coupes that really started the whole salt flat scene, going with a LSR theme. But I might not. I was contemplating a very different theme involving a Luxury Liner and a certain jolly old elf. But that's evolving in my head into more of a stretched cargo bike, so it's outside the RRBBO rules now. But maybe I'll work on it after this thing's done...

Jawa, I am feeling you. If you look at my pre-RRBBO7 dream board, salt flats and dragster themes have been inspiring me for a while now. Ever since I found that Cannondale streamlined kiddie trailer last August, I have been thinking of a salt flats sidecar.

I look forward to seeing what's in that mind of yours. Good luck!
kingfish254 said:
Bravo Outskirt, I have no doubt it is going to be a great build off. I have only participated in the last 30 days of one of these and I have been stoked ever since!!!

Out of the box doesn't always win, but it is the out of the box stuff that we see from others that pushes us all to the limits.

I am constantly amazed by the creativity and craftsmanship on this site. I don't expect to be disappointed during BO7 and I hope to measure up to the comptetition!!!!

My goal for this comptetion is that it produces enough conversation fodder for me to sit down with any another RRBer for 5+ hours and talk about "did you see what xxx did" and "how bout what yyyy did"................

Last year it was Jake S. Who will it be this year!!!??????

I can guarantee this bike will be talked about for years to come. And many of the ideas from it will be reincarnated in other people's builds.
kingfish254 said:
My goal for this comptetion is that it produces enough conversation fodder for me to sit down with any another RRBer for 5+ hours and talk about "did you see what xxx did" and "how bout what yyyy did"................

Last year it was Jake S. Who will it be this year!!!??????

Visiting NC anytime during the build-off? :wink:
outskirtscustoms said:
I can guarantee this bike will be talked about for years to come. And many of the ideas from it will be reincarnated in other people's builds.

Seeing your ideas on other people's bikes is better than a top scoring bike in my opinion.
I've been keeping quiet but my bike is gonna be the one being talked about 8) Not only will it be the BEST...but the COOLEST! 8)

Just kidding guys... winning would just be a bonus to having a cool bike :mrgreen:
I've been keeping quiet but my bike is gonna be the one being talked about 8) Not only will it be the BEST...but the COOLEST! 8)

Just kidding guys... winning would just be a bonus to having a cool bike :mrgreen:

I already know it's going to be a Columbia, so any Columbia will always get more attention for me than a stupid Schwinn (no offense to your Schwinn from last year, because you did great with it).

mattyfu said:
My goal this year is to participate AND finish.

Baby Steps.

Sweet, I'd like more people to set this goal, of course, last year when I cared about the votes (until I saw how it was going to go) I wanted LESS people to finish. haha
yoothgeye said:
Peatbog said:
Work slowly. Watch others. Steal their ideas. Then build. 8)

I'll start first night so y'all can start stealing all the good ideas early.

"Good" ideas? Opinions may vary. :p So far my plan consists of black with air in the tires. Go ahead and steal it. :mrgreen:
Not really a totally original idea, but I'll probably be entering the "Cream Thick Brick" sub-buildoff. Just have to fins the perfect frame, build my cool girter-style forks, lace some rims to a coaster brake hub (to be located), choose a seat, cut a set of bars down (after I find them), choose paint color (or no color....or no paint)......UGGH! It might take the whole build just to find my pieces!

.....but it looks good in my head! :D
Peatbog said:
So what characteristics in a bike do you think helps in obtaining votes?

I'll start: banana seat

But maybe not by itself alone.

I don't know about that. Smoopy had the baddest banana seat on the planet and my first place vote, but he didn't place.
brett4christ said:
.....but it looks good in my head! :D

You are half way there if you have a decent vision of what you want!!!!!!

Honestly this ain't about votes! I was on cloud nine once I recieved one vote last year. Every other vote was icing!!

Peatbog said:
So what characteristics in a bike do you think helps in obtaining votes?

I normally grade on 5 points:
1. Be original. Something that has not been seen before or using of old parts in new ways.
2. Balance. Don't over do it but don't leave it half finished.
3. Form and function. How is the riding position, nothing looks out of place and nothing is missing. No one piece over-powers the bike.
4. Choice of colors. I have seen so many bikes that look killer and the color ruins it for me.
5. Craftsmanship. Is it slapped together or does it flirt with factory?
My build off bike will be a 60's Schwinn Middleweight. I want to put 24x3's on it but to do so would require me cutting off the kick stand and fender mount, spreading the rear a half inch, and re-welding. Would this violate the rules?
inshane64 said:
My build off bike will be a 60's Schwinn Middleweight. I want to put 24x3's on it but to do so would require me cutting off the kick stand and fender mount, spreading the rear a half inch, and re-welding. Would this violate the rules?
I think you'd be safe. Grinding of brake tabs and brake bridges is allowed and you're not changing the geometry of the frame. Maybe some others can weigh in on this.
inshane64 said:
My build off bike will be a 60's Schwinn Middleweight. I want to put 24x3's on it but to do so would require me cutting off the kick stand and fender mount, spreading the rear a half inch, and re-welding. Would this violate the rules?

You're safe on this point.

As for the banana seat thing? I don't think that adds to a vote getter, the $400 wheelset I've seen get votes, but basically I think it comes down to who you are, who you know, and your reputation here. Yeah, I said it. It's cool, I'm still in.
yoothgeye said:
inshane64 said:
My build off bike will be a 60's Schwinn Middleweight. I want to put 24x3's on it but to do so would require me cutting off the kick stand and fender mount, spreading the rear a half inch, and re-welding. Would this violate the rules?

You're safe on this point.

As for the banana seat thing? I don't think that adds to a vote getter, the $400 wheelset I've seen get votes, but basically I think it comes down to who you are, who you know, and your reputation here. Yeah, I said it. It's cool, I'm still in.

Youth I have to respect your last comment .I can tell your a Honest Guy.. :)
I have another rules question.. As you can see my avatar side car is a working piece.. I broke the 4 speed linkage on the raleigh bike .I cant even begin to tell you what a pain its been to find another one .(Its annoying special..)

So this is giveing me a excuse to put the side car on another bike.(Ive always wanted the side car on somthing else anyways.) My question is can I use the side car on my build off bike its been seen & it works .( But I will be upgrading the side car in a lot of ways That I dont want to get into.(Top Secret) :D I will say the side car getting a major upgrade ...And Im going to build a bike to match it one way or another ... Id appriciate any thoughts I dont want to do the work just to find out I cant use the side car.. :?

My opinion is the sidecar is an accessory, so using it on the build-off bike would be cool, just as long as you don't just bolt it to another previously seen bike and call it done.

BTW....cool sidecar!