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I THINK.......I've decided on which bike to do for the BO. But with over 2 weeks left before the start, I may change my mind a time or twelve..... :shock: But I am almost positively 75% sure I'll be using the thick bricks.....maybe.....
Who needs chickens when you have mudflap girls???
handle the chicks often and continue to pick the chickens up as they grow. They end up thinking they're pets and will follow you around the yard eating bugs out of the grass and come running when you get home from work.
If you've been looking at chicken magazines, then I have 2 words for you" Chicken Ark. I'm sure you know what one is, if I get chickens again, this will be the way. Say no to roosters unless you wants baby chicks, otherwise they are just a pain in the butt. My favorite chickens are Rhode Island red, they are pretty, large, hearty, and brown egg layers. I had one that daily gave me twins (1 egg, 2 yolks). I have also had black sex links, and a bunch of different bantams, but I always go back to Rhode Island Reds. If you handle them a lot as chicks they will be super friendly, I even had one trained to "sit". She followed me all around the yard, waited for me on the porch in the morning, and would ride around on my shoulder.

But again, chicken ark. It will keep the mess down and you can regularly move it to keep weeds clean.

To chickens, dogs are the devil. :x
I'm going in a different direction now. Thanks for the pm's on the twin top tube frames guys, but I'm going to use a frame from the pole barn instead. As far a chickens go, I've got more than you can shake a stick at. Chickens, ducks, and turkeys. A great source of info is the forum at http://WWW.backyardchickens.com another is http://WWW.mcmurrayhatchery.com My favorite birds are barred rocks. They have good disposition, are hearty, and lay large brown eggs.
We could have a Cook Off Build Off combo.
I still remember a Chili Cook off that I went to in Atlanta many years ago.
My favorite team name and slogan was.
Saturn Chili Company - Next Stop, Uranus
kingfish254 said:
We could have a Cook Off Build Off combo.

So would that be one of those 8 hour competitions where you would have to build out of a pile of supplied parts ( like Junkyard Wars ) and cook something at the same time? OR......would the build theme be cook out related? I'm game either way! 8)
Chips_Mahoy said:
kingfish254 said:
We could have a Cook Off Build Off combo.

So would that be one of those 8 hour competitions where you would have to build out of a pile of supplied parts ( like Junkyard Wars ) and cook something at the same time? OR......would the build theme be cook out related? I'm game either way! 8)

We could do that at my house with all my parts, probably could only support 2-3 builders, but it would be fun. BYOWS (Bring Your Own Wheelset).