I have a porucho with 24x4 wheels and this bike is a tank compared to my felt. I run a seat post that is bent back and soma bars that are pretty straight off of a triple tree. This is by no means a cramped bike, it is already stretched, but then again I'm not using as a kick back cruiser where one sits straight up, I pretty much lie down on the thing and I'm 6-3. This bike attracts more attention than my greyhound, had a Chicago cop stop me the other day, thought I was getting a ticket for riding on the sidewalk, but he just yapped my ear off about it. When I park it, people stop, stare, comment, take pics, etc. It's a crowd pleaser, but I would not ride this bike more than say 8 miles as it's a beast. Also, you have to use 5.5 inch cranks or you will scrape the h*** out of the pedals, even with those it is low. If you are going to buy one and have the ability to cut it, I would cut/heat/bend it and lower the rear so the bike sits about 3 inches higher. The problem I see with my idea is that you would then have to add three inches to the triple tree which in turn starts making it look chopperish. I'm actually thinking of buying a mongoose beast just so I can slap on the 26 inch wheels so I can raise it a few inches.