If you want a really good paint job and in any color you can imagine try your local auto paint supply stores. More and more of them nowadays have the capabilites of putting high quality paints in rattle cans and they can put the flake in them as well. Granted before anyone gets started, no rattle can paint job is going to be as durable as a spray gun for the main reason of you cant add hardener to rattle cans. With that said, even without hardener, this paint is much more durable then regular store brand paint, it is much more glossy even without clear, and like I said you can get custom colors mixed. The draw back to this is its expensive and it takes forever for it to dry. Most of the time your looking from anywhere from $15-$20 bucks a can. I have painted my project bike with it (Leftover Special) and I will paint every bike I ever build with it. Thats my 2 cents.