Rust Removal

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Jun 16, 2007
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Hello again everyone. Last week I got my first cruiser and I am trying to clean up the rims. Most of the rust is coming of but their are some really tricky spots where I don't see any progress. I know about electrolytic, but I don't have the necessary stuff to set this up. Can anyone give me any pointers. Also can anyone reccomend a tool kit, I really need to pick up some tools.
Brass brush should be able to get in by the spokes. Looks like a toothbrush. Harbor Freight or most hardware stores should have them.

Clothespin "n" said:
Slims said:
Steel wool might work too.

This is How I do it as well...and sometimes I put a Bit of
Liquid Wrench / Spray Rust remover on The Whool
and it helps it along.


Dang, never thought about using that...... I've just cleaned 3-4 wheels using nothing but my hand and some ultra fine steel wool. :?
I use Brass wool. It is softer than the chrome and it won't leave any scratches. I use it dry or with a little polish. I have tried various tricks and this seems to work the best.
RE - rust...

Buy a wire wheel that fits in your drill at harbor freight for 5 bucks....
Once its all off, it sounds wierd but KY JELLY works really well to polish.


Lots of WD-40 and 0000 steel wool...and the patience of a saint!

Thats the way I've been doing it.
ricksterr1221 said:
Ky jelly sure does work good for polish My ROD is shiny :lol: :lol: :lol: couldnt resist im sorry.'s Time for a Talking too.....
Stop Stealing Posts and Jerking off again.

I'm not a Prude...and a Few good Jokes here and there are

But you need to Build up your "Respect / Karma" Points a bit.
You've been dipping into the Disrespect side of The Scale a little to much

....and as much as I don't like too,
A Public Verbal Beating ....Like I am Dishing out right now....has been in order for a while.

Keep it real Ricky,
Stay on Track,
and Stop Hi-Jacking Posts,

and save the ....... coments for "The Other Stuff" Forum.

if you have an Intelligent answer to The Man's serious
Question about "Rust Removal"...then let's hear it,
otherwise ..............SHUTTHEFAWKUP!

Wow....was that my Inside Talking :shock:
Well lets see, When i want to get rust off of somthing. I will take some steel wool or a brillo pad and go over the rim, after i get it real good with this, I will get out my turtle wax chrome polish and an old tooth brush and goto town. :|
I use really really gritty sandpaper, I've never been able to find any steel wool. It works for surface rust but not really deeply pitted areas. I'd use 40 grit sandpaper
I use fine steel wool but i am told tin foil works aswell.

:mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen:
Sorry to bump an old thread, but I have some alternative medicine that may be of use to anyone wanting to get rid of rust without spending much cash.

I just use cheapo rubbish toothpaste. I kid you not, squire. I know how silly that sounds, so I'll prove it!



A couple of minutes rubbing the paste in with a damp rag gives a result as good as any professional chrome cleaning paste. They work on the same principle; It's just a mild abrasive. Plus toothpaste makes your bike smell minty fresh as an added bonus. Don't try cleaning your teeth with chrome cleaner though ...

(I felt kind of silly there, taking a tube of toothpaste & a lamp bracket out into the street & taking photographs of them....)

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