Wow you people are like school teachers on here! LoL. So I posted My Intro and finaly found some time to post pics of my latest build, "Sailor Dutch". I just got 1st place and Best in Show for this bike at the 3rd anual "Venice Beach Custom Bike Show". For those that don't know, that's in Los Angeles. I'm proud to say that out of hundreds of shiny painted, gold & crome plated, hydrolic leaking, turn table spinning, built in some fancy Customizing Shop by some one else & for too much money, "BackYard Rat" stole the show. But don't be fooled, this bike was on the cutting board for months and in my head for 2 years. The bike consists of a 1936 'Elgin' frame, crank & skiptooth, a early 40's 'Columbia' sringer, late 40's 'Monark' fenders, Pre-War 'Ace Hardware' (Schwinn) wheels, 60's 'Wald' rams horn style bars, A-OOga! horn, 'One Shot' can headlight, custom metal "Flying Eye" ornament, vintage Paperboy rack (care of Mike's Bike Shop window), and a sweet craftsmen box from the mid 30's which is now my new striping kit. The graphics on the Center Plate started with actual newsprint from 1938 that I found stuffed down inside the box. Then it was cut into a careful collage, then aged, sprinkled with some Sailor Jerry flash, aged again, then hand lettered with the combined trade marks of two of the most influential artists of all time. Few! This is getting lengthy. A custom patina was aplied with several shades of red & black enamel, brown primer, with intentional grease marks and chipping in spots. Scallops were freehand masked and are awaiting some "Dutch" style striping(I'm too busy right now). Fact of the matter is, I got a lil' burned out and took a break from it. Just changed the seat (not in pics) to a rusted out Pre-War pan. Hope you enjoy these. Now, enough typing! I'm out!