Say A Prayer for the Grandparents Plz

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Thanks alot elvis. I do try 2 talk 2 them as much as possible.. Im sure gonna miss em :cry: thanks for all the prayers guys.. Moms taking it the worst.. so i never cry in front of her, I just hold her and stay strong.
ricksterr1221 said:
Thanks alot elvis. I do try 2 talk 2 them as much as possible.. Im sure gonna miss em :cry: thanks for all the prayers guys.. Moms taking it the worst.. so i never cry in front of her, I just hold her and stay strong.
Never let anyone tell you its not ok to cry,(..... wept)but its good your there for your mom I just pray for you to be strong and just do what you can, The greatest command is love.
I'm a generation older than you Rickster and lost both of my parents three years ago. No matter what age you are situations like the one you are going through now are the most challenging that any of us ever have to cope with, but the pain that you are feeling in your heart is in direct proportion to the love which exists between you and your grandparents. If you didn't have the huge love you wouldn't be feeling this pain.

Don't bottle up your emotions, but as others have said, make the most of now, cherish every moment and fill your memory bank with fond thoughts and good times. The time for sadness is when they're gone, right now is your chance to celebrate their lives and fill what time they have remaining with as much happiness as you can.

I know I'm a total stranger from the other side of the planet but these are universal and timeless human emotions which we all share and my thoughts are with you and your family.

MadMick said:
I'm a generation older than you Rickster and lost both of my parents three years ago. No matter what age you are situations like the one you are going through now are the most challenging that any of us ever have to cope with, but the pain that you are feeling in your heart is in direct proportion to the love which exists between you and your grandparents. If you didn't have the huge love you wouldn't be feeling this pain.

Don't bottle up your emotions, but as others have said, make the most of now, cherish every moment and fill your memory bank with fond thoughts and good times. The time for sadness is when they're gone, right now is your chance to celebrate their lives and fill what time they have remaining with as much happiness as you can.

I know I'm a total stranger from the other side of the planet but these are universal and timeless human emotions which we all share and my thoughts are with you and your family.


Well said man. You aswell goldstreet. :cry:
Ricky, you are one of my favorite young person on this site. we all feel your hurt. a lot of us has gone thru what you are going thru and believe me it is no fun. don't be afraid to cry in front of anybody, it means you care alot and it also helps alot. its ok. when alot of my family and friends passed on it was always sad and alot of hurt. if you believe in God that pain will go away and remember, your Grandparents are in Gods hands and they will be safe. always remember the great things you did and had with them. Ask God for his help and he will give it to you. believe me my friend he is there for you. my prayers go out to you and your family. please keep us posted. we are all with you. God Bless

Outlaw :(
Thanks outlaw :) Im a favorite. ahha. Grandmas doing a little better, she made dinner tonight, thats a good sign.. Grandpa cut the grass, thats DEFINITELY A good sign, He loves his lawn.. Yeah i see what u guys are saying. I pray everynight. THANKS For being her for me guys. I love y'all. this is the best web forum on the net.. To me its more like a web family. I love you guys.

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