School project.

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Today I put the bike together as a test build. This is how it looked:

I'm not happy with the line of the seat yet, and the rest still needs work of course. The front tire is rotten, and it needs a new inner tube, I also want to make whitewalls, fenders, handles etc.

About the fender, I made a new rearfender from the original fenders:
Sen said:

I worry about the strength of that new seat post. I would not stop it at the stays, as it is now. I would continue it through the stays, to connect up with the original seat tube. Then you would have two welded points, and it'll be much stronger.
YeahI know, this was just as a test. I dont like the line of the seat either, needs to be more horizontal.
Thanks von stans! I already have an idea I think works out though.
I want to put 2 crank arms back on the original crankset, and mount the seat on those with a spring to the bicycle-stand mount.:

I'm also thinking about mounting the carrier to the front wheel. I doubt whether I need truss rods, because it feels pretty sturdy, but this will at least give it some more strength just in case:

I've also bought some montana rattle cans. Grey for the frame, olive green for the rims and some details and black for the spokes and axles:

The greyish see through is a gloss varnish. Not sure whether I'll use it...
Another update! tomorrow is the auction, and after a few weeks of hard work, not only for the bike but also other schoolwork, I consider the bike finished. It's too bad that it was a 10 euro project, because I could've done so much more.

First some pictures of parts after I painted them

the seat

A wheel

The frame

And the finished bike:

Tomorrow evening it's going to be sold. And thats a bummer. I would've loved to keep it, but alas. The bottom price is €85,- which isn't much, but since it's an auction, for charity, I hope and secretly expect higher biddings. I know it's not worth hundreds of euro's because it's a €10 project. The paintjob looks great but scratches real fast since it's just montana spraypaint without varnish, all parts are second hand and many are still reasonably rusty. Also the chain with the tensioner isn't perfect. I myself can live with that, and the buyer just has to.
Thanks everyone.
The auction was yesterday, and it sold for €205. With this I was the first one of the evening to break the €200 border, but luckily not the last.
50% is for me, and an extra €100 are always welcome so I'm happy.
I think I'm going to invest these in a new bike, which will be better than this one of course.

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