Schwinn bikes ( post pics here )

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I was able to pick up this sweet frame and fork last week and then put it together with some parts I had on hand. An early ‘80 with original paint. Thanks for looking.View attachment 189901
Looks great mate. I have a thing for the black Schwinn cruisers of that era as it was the first American bike I ever bought and I found it less than 2 miles from work.

A guy who owned a camera store
in town bought it new from a bike store in Long Beach in the early 80’s and shipped it downunder. He rode it a couple
of times and crashed it, bending the bars and rear wheel. I bought it in 2010 for about $100, fixed it and rode it for a while but didn’t appreciate what i had and stupidly sold it. It was a 5 speed with the same decals and Messinger seat as yours but had the tubular fork. It was completely original and still had the studded tires that looked brand new after 30 years. I wish I still had it and is still one of only 3 American Schwinns I have ever seen for sale here.
I picked up this 2005 Schwinn yesterday with an alloy frame for the equivalent of USD$70 just to get the almost new Typhoon tires off it for a 1936 display Schwinn I am planning to build. Those tires are unobtanium downunder!

All the tubes are oversize and it has a 1 1/8 OD fork and seat post. The handlebar was bent so I checked the alloy frame and stem for cracks but didn’t find anything sinister.

I already sold the rack, fitted another handlebar, stem and pedals, serviced the front brake and swapped the wheels for a decent set i had with a SA 2 speed kickback. It rides great but I will either sell or give it to a mate (with a different wheel set and pedals).



Hey Matti. The last and only car I will ever build will be a Ford hot rod. I’ve wanted one for years and this one was SPECIAL!

I had a chat to a group of people waiting to board the ferry to Tasmania to go on a run. The ‘33 was driven 1500 miles south from Queensland by a bloke in his 70’s. It was a serious bit of kit with a Don Ferguson built Ardun headed flattie, the owner told me owed him AUD$60k (about the same in Canadian money i think). I hate to think what the rest of the thing wrapped around that engine cost.

It sounded special and had a gated exhaust he could switch between loud and less loud. The finned front drums looked as mental as the chopped top, but the sight of that flatti under the hood…….

The louvers! The details in the hood straps! I'm not a Ford guy, but that beauty is bigger and badder than brands or logos.
There’s so much going on with that rod and I think the colors made it even more special. Its nice to see one not black.

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