Schwinn Breezey.. New Pics!

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Sep 15, 2012
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Hey guys, here's a simple build i've got going on.. 70's Schwinn Breeze. I just flaked it out and kandied it with PPG. Hard to really see how vibrant it is and the flake in the garage, i'll get more pics soon of it in the sun! Oh, and our 54' GMC truck project in the background =]

Flake/clear sanded down..


Re: Kustom 70's Schwinn Breeze in Progress..

nice. I'm liking the metal flake bikes that have been popping up. My library when I was a kid had a few George Barris Kustoms books. I looove the Rat Rod style, but old skool metalflake still gets me going too.

Re: Kustom 70's Schwinn Breeze in Progress..

Thanks guys! I'm also flaking and lacing the fenders/chain guards so keep your eyes out for my build =] I hear ya ratdaddy, i love the ratrod look too..and George Barris is the man.
Re: Kustom 70's Schwinn Breeze in Progress..

Well, today was a pretty productive day. I took apart an old springer fork i'm putting on the Breeze, soaked them in Lemon Juice and it removed about 95% of the rust. Seriously impressed, i wish i had before pics of how bad it looked. I also sprayed the fenders and the fork!
Let me know what you guys think of it so far! Still not done with the paint, adding lace over the fender and chain gaurd ;)

The power of lemon juice! So happy with the results..

Holy sparkle! The before, during, and after collage of my fork..

The fenders, a little silver flaked mixed with Lil Daddy Roth Snowcaine flake.. Before&After



And pics of the frame & chain gaurd in the sun!


Lemme know what you guys think!
Re: Schwinn Breezey..

So here's a quick mock up of Breezey :} it's a mild kustom, i've never seen a Breeze customized before..

Moon handle bars with springer fork..


Original Schwinn badge in really nice condition!

Also original grips..

I wanna hear your opinions! :)
Re: Schwinn Breezey..

MadMax '58 said:
Nice!!....What rims & tires are you gonna run?....
A little custom "Varsity"....Same style frame...... :D 8)

Thanks! Going to use the original rims which are 24'' and probably find some white walls for her..
Good looking bike and the placement of the lights lol
Re: Schwinn Breezey..

I ended up putting Breezey back together anyways, i was too anxious :) Watcha guys think?





It's the coolest looking Breeze i've ever seen tho, never seen one customized :p Pretty happy how it's turning out, it's almost done!
Bigdaddy772 said:
Looking SWEEET!! love that color combo and BIG FLAKES!! 8) 8)

Thanks, it's actually 2 differ sizes of flake, small and medium.. it helps make it pop more! :)

sleepy said:
Super cool 8) Breeze 8) those handlebars and OG grips! :D

Glad you like :) I actually flipped the handlebars upside and those are the original grips

kingfish254 said:
Incredible paint skillz!!!!!! Super bike!!

Thanks for the compliment :) little difficult spraying a tiny bike frame and getting in between those bars! Use to painting on cars lol

ZygoteLittle said:
Great paint and concept – 8) ride!

Thanks a lot! Can't wait to ride it

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