Schwinn Headbadge Screws?

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Feb 22, 2010
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DFW Area Texas
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I know this was discussed a couple of years ago, but does anyone know where to get Schwinn Headbadge Screws?

My local Ace Hardware didn't have anything near little enough.

a guy on eBay wants $6 + 1.40 shipping for 10 of them.

Anyone know of a current source, or something else that works that does not cost an arm and a leg?

I dropped 2 of them on my speckled epoxy garage floor today (DOH!) and they disappeared! :(

I have some tiny pop rivits, would that look too cheesy? I think it would.
I was thinking of going to Ace Hardware down the road from me :| I guess they don't have them :cry: My buddy was carrying a frame to my truck at night and one fell out :x :x :x
An easy fix is to drill the hole out and tap new threads to 6-32 or 8-32. I am not sure what size original Schwinn head badge screws are but on old Western Flyers, they have small rivets and that hole is the right size to tap to 6-32. If you don't have a set of taps & dies, ask around, most mechanics have them.
I have lost some before just moving bikes around. I usually just drill them out more like Double Nickel said. I lost a whole headbadge off a cruiser once and spent two hours riding back the way I rode, to look for it. Found it, ran over several times by traffic. Put it back on and it really looks kind of cool. :D
I love this place!

Meeba is entirely right, the cassette screws work perfectly, and they are phillips which makes them a lot easier to install than the original slotted screws.

I was wondering what to do with my old stack of cassettes gathering dust.
Most of them are plastic welded together without screws, but I found 2 cassettes with screws right away.

:D :D :D :D :D
practically all cheap butt battery operated toys have similar screws in the bottom.

i bet a trip to the dollar store with a small screw driver, and you'd find exactly what you need.
you'll probably locate something with 5 or 6 screws for a buck.
that being said, i'm sure if you look around your house, you'll find many that will work.
(heck take 2 outta your keyboard, theres usually 10 others to hold it together)
icyuod2 said:
practically all cheap butt battery operated toys have similar screws in the bottom.

i bet a trip to the dollar store with a small screw driver, and you'd find exactly what you need.
you'll probably locate something with 5 or 6 screws for a buck.
that being said, i'm sure if you look around your house, you'll find many that will work.
(heck take 2 outta your keyboard, theres usually 10 others to hold it together)

Ya gave me the idear new my keybrd don't werk...... :mrgreen: :lol: :lol: :mrgreen:
Someone on here said you could buy them from Pete at Hyper-formance in AZ. I'd also guess you could get all the used ones you wanted from Memory Lane in OH. Gary
If you got a well stocked hobby supply shop near by, they will probably have some #4-40 or #2-40 screws that come in a pack. They even have some of those that have Allen hex heads that are way easier to install. Thanks!!
Schwinn used them up until the mid 70's. My 75 varsity has the screws on its head badge. Im sure a trip to the local bike wrecker would yeild a bunch.
jerrykr said:
I love this place!

Meeba is entirely right, the cassette screws work perfectly, and they are phillips which makes them a lot easier to install than the original slotted screws.

I was wondering what to do with my old stack of cassettes gathering dust.
Most of them are plastic welded together without screws, but I found 2 cassettes with screws right away.

:D :D :D :D :D

UPDATE: Nearly 1-1/2 years later. Cassette tapes increasingly hard to find. Went to my two local thrift stores (one where I'd donated my cassettes a while back) and they said they can barely sell CDs so cassettes go right to the dumpster. But one lady there said she had tossed some the day before. We dove in and she found the box!!

Of six tapes, only one had screws (per comment that most just snap together). But the screws work perfect. Here's a photo of "new" one next to a slightly stripped Schwinn original.


I like this kinda stuff. And ditto on jerrykr's comment... "I love this place". Thanks from me Meeba!