schwinn headbadge screws

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Nov 13, 2006
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So. Cal.
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I lost one of the tiny screws that hold on the headbadge on my schwinn and I have am
having a hard time finding a replacement. I looked on ebay and went to a
couple of old bike shops but no luck. Where can I find these or something else that will work ? thanks alot. 8)
This aint no Pebble Beach concours restoration here right?...

Take apart some old computer drives,yeah they might be metric and they might be phillips head but you will find two matching that will fit.

Just an 'on the cheap' idea.
MagicRat said:
This aint no Pebble Beach concours restoration here right?...

Take apart some old computer drives,yeah they might be metric and they might be phillips head but you will find two matching that will fit.

Just an 'on the cheap' idea.

Thanks man! ill do this, my aunt fix's computers for a living, Shes got like 100 computers laying in her basement.. She makes Ratrod computers i guess u could say lol she puts old parts 2 gether and gets em running :)
Hey guys, I'm in need of a set of screws for my Sears Spyder build also.....

I'm curious, that one auction mentioned that Schwinn used an odd size threaded screw that's not available in hardware stores.

Does anyone know what size these screws are...meaning length and thread?????

If so I bet I can order a bunch thru the company I work for...... we order all sorts of parts thru a company called "McMaster-Carr"....they sell darn near any kind of faster conceivable. All I need is a length and thread size.
I've tried little screws off of electronic parts with no luck. My daughters bike is a Monark but was missing the head badge. I noticed the holes matched up with the large Schwinn headbadge but I didn't have screws. I cut most of the screw off of 2 small screws mentioned above and double stickey taped the screws and badge on.
You don't really see the head badge because of the basket but the badge keeps the basket from rubbing the paint off.
ricksterr1221 said:
lol Hmm, I dont know Jim, We said we'd trade that frame and tank for a shirt maybe you could throw some screws in? :mrgreen:

Jeez Ricky, I thought you lived far enuff off of Woodward that you wouldn't try to trade for a screw or two! :shock:

Yeah, two headbadge treaded devices could be thrown into the deal. When you wanna do this trade?
the headbadge screws are out there, you just have to look (i started hording them...i have a bunch of new and used)

The other item to use is Drive Screws from Fastenal. I think the ones I have are the #2 1/8" (but they might be the #0 1/8"...i need to check) in the Stainless can see them here
Larry said:

It's probably a standard size pan head sheetmetal screw. What size, I don't know.

too much per screw!

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