Schwinn Springer Q

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I got maybe a dumb question about Schwinn type Springer...

Do the strut rods go on the inside or the outside of the fork tubes at the axle?

I got mine mocked-up on the inside and it looks correct to me,but I've also seen them on the outside too.
i didnt know it mattered, i always ended up putting the truss rods (the straight pieces) on the outsides at the axle, i think it was just the easiest way to put em on for me.
on the top they go inside the fork part and on the outside where they bolt to the axle(at least that how all the set ive owned are)
the cheapo springers ive messed with have open ends on the fork legs (bent part) the axle slides into, the truss rods (straight part) just have a hole that you have to put the axle through. its impossible unless you take the legs/truss's off the spring yoke, or unless you bend the tar out of em. thats what made me think the truss rods go on the outside and the fork legs go on the inside closest to the wheel.
hmmmmmm.........thats odd the 2 sets i own ive taken pics of before i took them apart and they were as i stated before....... top on the inside of the forks and bottoms on the outside.(both are schwinn and were purchased new from 2 different places.....however this was in the 80s and 90's)