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Feb 20, 2009
Reaction score
Bellingham WA
Rating - 0%
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A kid I work with in the cafeteria found this in a dumpster months ago, and he finally decided to give it to me as he's not mechanically inclined and it sat outside for the past few months. It came with a New Departure rear wheel (I took the hub apart and got a surprise with all the brake plates, but it went back together easily enough and works great) and a Wald front wheel. That's about it, no bars or seat. I can't find a name stamped on the bike anywhere though, just a serial # under the cranks. I'll post that up later. Anybody have any idea what kind of frame it is? My friend keeps bugging me to make it a klunker, it's either going to turn into that or a cafe style racer.

And don't worry, those forks aren't staying.


This thing should be road worthy by this Sunday if everything goes right and I can find parts!
The frame is stamped B96239 56 under the cranks. I think I remember seeing a "CW" stamped on the bearing cages while I was cleaning them, that might be an indicator...
Looks like my roadmaster to me in general. Mine is a 46ish yours may be later because of the differant droupouts and the straight bottom bar.

totally cwc frame. the monarch chainring thru me off, but the frame curves and rear fender/rack mounts and cross piece on the seat stays scream it. looks to be pre 57' probably early 50's. very cool frame though.