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Jan 10, 2007
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i have a howling coaster brake...

it doesnt matter if you lock it up, or ease into it... the thing screams embarrassingly loud.

it is a new wheel (though a no name cheapie)
and i've taken it apart/repacked it.

does anyone know if and or how to fix this?


It's not by chance a "Hi Stop" brand is it? I've had the worst luck with these. I have 2 of this brand that have problems and a friend that has 1 with problems. All brand new.

Don't know what to tell you about fixing it though.

why yes... it is in fact a "hi stop" hub... :|

i had a nexus 3 that screeched also, but after a couple of times it stopped doing it. not the case with this one.

Bicyclerick said:
Take it apart and grind the groves on the brakes shoes some and repack with thick grease and see if that helps.

am i grinding the grooves off, so the shoe is smooth?
or grinding them deeper?

2 of the Hi Stops I mentioned slip occasionally while peddaling and the other makes a terrible clunking noise when you apply the brakes.
I have a HI stop that sucks too. Completely shot, but I think I found a place with new internals.
My LBS said he thought the guts from a Shimano would fit inside the shell of the Hi Stop. I would just replace the whole wheel but it's a painted rim.
it's a 26" 144 spoke...

it's brand new... i shouldnt have to be swapping guts... :|

any other brands make these, or are they all junk?
My LBS was selling rims with these hubs (which he offered to replace) but the last one I ordered online at just to get the pink rim.
i bought a lowrider bike w/ a coaster brake and it does the same thing. i dont ride it enough to have it on the brain to take the wheel in, its 20inch rim w/ a high number of spokes, pretty though!
fast eddie outty
october said:
Bicyclerick said:
Take it apart and grind the groves on the brakes shoes some and repack with thick grease and see if that helps.

am i grinding the grooves off, so the shoe is smooth?
or grinding them deeper?


deeper grooves...if you make them smooth it's like a car with glazed brake pads (noise)...and grease the shoes and inside the hub where the shoes contact...

Good Luck
was messing around with this wheel today...
swapped out the guts... still roaring when you coast, and still screeches when brakes are applied... :|

randy, do i remember you had some luck fixing one of these?
anyone else?


october said:
was messing around with this wheel today...
swapped out the guts... still roaring when you coast, and still screeches when brakes are applied... :|

randy, do i remember you had some luck fixing one of these?
anyone else?



I had a cheapo "Hi-stop" brand giving me trouble. I ended up replacing the guts with those out of a Shimano.

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