seating S-7 tires properly

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May 24, 2007
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Wyandotte, Mi.
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I have a '62 typhoon with s-7 rims. I bought a set of WW 26x2x1 3/4 tires from Memory lane classics. I mounted them the other day and noticed when riding that the bead appeared to not seat properly in the rim. The tires, both front and back, had a distinct wobble to them in one spot. After inspection, I noticed that it seemed that that part of the tire was seated farther in the rim than the rest of the tire. I deflated the tires, adjusted the tires so that they seemed to be better positioned and re-inflated only to have the same thing happen. The rims both run true so that isn't the problem. Is there some trick that I don't know about or could I possibly have defective tires. The only thing that comes to mind is using a soapy solution to lube the bead in hopes of a better seated tire. Any other suggestions?? Also, are there any secrets to getting WW clean after they've been handled, mostly just finger smudges.

Sorry for the long post, Thanks
I had a problem puting a 24x3 on once. The bead kept popping out as I was inflating it. I placed zipties around the tire and rim in the problem area, worked like a charm.

Is there any corosion on the rims. I had a s-7 with a bulge from corosion/freeze in the interior and that made it difficult.
Put some water and lots of washing up liguid in a squirty bottle and squirt it round the rim, then inflate.

:mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen:

ugh, I feel your pain. Search tire seating on the schwinn site there's a few answers.

I've been putting very little air in and prying the low spots up with screwdrivers, with mixed results. I've been soaping too.

This only seems to happen to me with cheap tires on S-6 or S-7 wheels.
yep as mentioned get some dish soap deflate the tire and put a good bead around where the tire seats. then inflate slowly at first to make sure it is seated and not going to come flying off and blow up. then inflate till the low part pops up. you may have to go beyond the recommended air pressure which is ok then once it pops into place let some air out. it can be a bit scary i have had to take them up to 90 psi before it poped into place and each time i am ready for a big boom.
Thanks for the responses. Looks like soapy water and over inflation wins. I will try that tonight after work and will post results later. If I don't have any success, I will snoop around the schwinn site.

As for the other ques.

Not anywhere around the valve stem and on different spots around the rim.

Thought about the screwdriver/putty knife idea but was afraid of chipping up my newly painted rims that started this whole mess

And your right the WW isn't even all the way around the tire and that just makes it visually worse when the tire is spinning.

Thanks again,
Well partial success. The rear wheel has straightened itself out, but the front wheel not so much. I lubed it up with soapy water left over from washing my motorcycle, then started to inflate using my hand pump. Got it up to 70lbs psi with no success. Decided to use my air compressor only to find out thats it's broke and needs a new fitting, oh well not tonight. Deflated the tire and will try again this weekend with more soap and a fixed compressor. Thanks again for the input.

The method I've had the most success with is to fill the tire just enough to hold it's shape, work the low and/or high spots into place and then fully inflate the tire.

Some tire/rim combos just don't fit well together either. I've encountered tires that are so loose they don't stay seated and others that take superhuman strength just to get onto the rim.

you mentioned soapy water i ment sneaking the dish soap bottle out to the garage and shoot it directly on the bead then work it in with your fingers. then inflate. you will have to wash the soap off when done but all the bubbles made will make you laugh as the soap gets pushed out by the pressure.
After I had no success with soapy water, full soap was the next step, just didn't have time to take care of that last night. I'm going to a buddy's house today and on the way home I'll stop and get a new compressor fitting and attack this silly thing tonight. I think it will be a combo of partial inflation, soap and man handling to help seat the bad area then over-inflation to make sure its there, then deflate down to the proper pressure.

Onward and upward,
an air compressor helps for sure. basicly the faster you can inflate the thing once you know it wont come flying off the better. that is the trick a quick shot of increase in air pressure to pop that puppy into place. if not succesfull send it to me i will gettttt r doneeeee :lol:
Well well well, I went out to the garage yesterday and lo' an behold the tire was seated all the way around, go figure. Checked the tire pressure and it was reading 67, dropped it down to 40 and let it be. Thanks again for all your help everyone.


I took it for a ride to look at a 50's Monarch "Firestone Holiday" around the block and managed to break the crank right in half while taking off to come back home. Ouch!!! managed to not fall but my apes took a brutal laying foward and scraped up my left shin. Now I'm off to find a replacement, oh joy

By any chance did you get really angry and notice your skin turn green and your shirt and pants rip apart just before you took off?

"Don't make me angry."

well lucky you. that is an interesting idea leaving the bike to sit with the soap on it and pumped up like that. i guess it would have either not seated, seated, or blown up so good job.
lefty801 said:
I took it for a ride to look at a 50's Monarch "Firestone Holiday" around the block and managed to break the crank right in half while taking off to come back home. Ouch!!! managed to not fall but my apes took a brutal laying foward and scraped up my left shin. Now I'm off to find a replacement, oh joy


wow...and ouch!

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