Each one has a Number and price. All prices are plus ship. Please do not ask me to box and find out ship and than say you don't want it or never respond. That is just a waste of time. I have no problem with finding out ship if your serous about buying. I'm in Michigan so most people should know about what it will cost. If your on the east or west coast you know it cost more to ship. If your not in the US than I can understand why you would need ship cost before you buy. Payment will be by Pay Pal Goods and services Or Money order. If I'm finding out shipping for you Please send your full address as I can not just put your Zip code in the click and ship website and find out you need to put the full address in to find out. I can do it from home otherwise I would have to make a trip to the post office and that cost gas. All the seats are not torn up, They may have scratches and Rust on the undersides but otherwise not torn. But you can ask and I will look to make sure and i can also take pics of the underside if you want. Most are $10 plus ship and there is a couple that are more.