SHAKEN NOT STIRRED a tribute to "Q" (ideas?)

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You could throw on some toggle switches and or levers. I like what someone said about a spinning or rotating license plate. An old grip shift or two could come in handy on this build. A headlight/machine gun-paintball gun on the front fender...something like this might work well. You could make the whole lense section flip down or have the top section (white area) lift up or flip to the side to reveal your gun. This could be a really interesting build :D
Your Schwinn head mount shifters, grip shifters, thumb shifters, bar end shifters, down tube shifters(not necessarily on the downtubes), maybe even a stick shifter :shock: , and of course the gadgets that they operate. :wink:
If I were building a 007-inspired project bike, the must-haves:

- Silver (the old Aston Martin), plus whatever other cues you can take from it regarding trim, upholstery, etc.
- Definitely the flip license plate! And...
- ...make the license plate itself read something clever or Bond-y (4URIS or whatever)?
- Faux toggles or dials labeled with their various "functions" (ejector seat, smoke screen, etc. I don't expect the bike to have these actual functions, mind you, but you can certainly pretend and help "sell it" via the appropriately-styled controls)
- Wanna get really clever and into it? Get a cheap (or used/refurb) iPod shuffle (small, sturdy and skip-free) and load it with the iconic Monty Norman 007 theme, and various sound clips from the movies (or maybe just a collection of dialogue from Q across many of the films, explaining various gadgets?) Conceal the player in a tank or panel, and just have the click-wheel controls visible to you and wired to a small speaker? Come riding down the street with that twangy guitar riff blaring...
- Something with a martini shaker (headlight was mentioned earlier but if you wanted to go a more humorous, playful route, you could actually have the shaker and glass permanently attached to a rear luggage rack, always standing up and never spilling, in true Bond fashion)
- Faux machine gun barrels. If you can rig them to pop open or slide out from a previously-concealed area, even better!

Watch the movies - especially the 60's Connery ones, because I just think those gadgets and controls were much cooler and iconic - and mimic the style seen there.

Ride it around while wearing a tux, for maximum impact.


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